Although they are no longer needed to be produced to prove membership, they show that the holder is part of a group. Awards and recognition The medallions are often given to members of the armed forces who have excelled when performing their duties. Like medals, the medallions are often pres...
Nobility is not a title that can be awarded by a monarch. It can only be earned by one who is noble. We can wear many meritous medals that augment the sense of self but nothing can make the innoble noble. Nobility is to have true integrity, to stand as an example for others to s...
I’ll soon be back to work, hoping every team (that isn’t mine) loses every single game. Two losers per series, zero winners, except the Penguins. Such is my playoff bloodlust that I would bend the rules of reality to my will. But for now, I’m taking a moment to be happy for...
During his youth, however, he was a bit of an obsessive, spending his "pocket money" on a multitude of religious items, adding "rosaries, crosses, medals, prayer books, pictures of Jesus" and "anything my pennies would stretch to." Butler even had a desire to be an altar boy, befele...
medals mechanization mechanically mcauliffe mbf mayflower matthew math mated masked masaryk marxist marx's marsh marred marlowe marksmanship marketable markedly maritime maris's marine's marin manuscripts manufacturer's manslaughter mansions manning's mannered mankind's maniac maneuvering manas manages mammoth...