A brief explanation to what hoisting means in the JavaScript programming languageJavaScript before executing your code parses it, and adds to its own memory every function and variable declarations it finds, and holds them in memory. This is called hoisting....
It is also possible to stop the event from propagating at any point, either in the capturing or bubbling phase, as it travels through the document. Bubbling With bubbling, the event is first captured and handled by the innermost element and then propagated to outer elements. This means that...
In this case, x++ gets evaluated first: x starts as 10. x++: Notice x is leftmost, ++ is rightmost. It means first use the x value (10) as the argument and then afterward do the ++ on the variable x. So now the argument is 10. The variable is 11. The next argument is ++x...
However, this also means variable types could be misinterpreted as they are run. This can cause bugs and errors. It’s Primarily Used in Client-Side Execution JavaScript is unique in that it’s most commonly run in the user’s web browser. Not on a server. This means JavaScript can inter...
You’ll sometimes hear people refer to vanilla JavaScript. This, in a nutshell, means you’re working with an application that was written in JavaScript from the ground up. This is fine for small bits of functionality, but once you start working at scale, it quickly becomes untenable, as ...
JavaScript is a loosely typed language. Loosely typed means you do not have to declare the data types of variables explicitly. In fact, JavaScript takes it one step further. You cannot explicitly declare data types in JavaScript. Moreover, in many cases JavaScript performs conversions automatically...
I told JavaScript that trout is a child of fish using theextendskeyword. That means trout’sthiscontext includes the properties and methods defined in the fish class, plus whatever properties and methods trout defines for itself. Callingsuper()essentially lets JavaScript know what a fish is so ...
Like downloading a whole website's worth of data so you can work on it offline. Sure, your web browser comes with its download feature, but that only grabs one page at a time - leaving out any hyperlinks pointing to other pages within the site itself. That means restarting the entire ...
As explained earlier, Java is a multiple platform programming language. This means that it can be written for one OS and run on another. How is this possible? Java code is first written in a Java Development Kit, which are available for Windows, Linux, and macOS. Programmers write in t...
When using arrow functions, this has lexical constraints, which means that the arrow function will automatically bind this to the context in which it is defined. 4. Parameters The main difference between ordinary functions and arrow functions in terms of parameters is that arrow functions are not...