Materials can be pure or impure, living or non-living matter. Stuff The material out of which something is made or formed; substance. Material The substance or substances out of which a thing is or can be made. Stuff The essential substance or elements; essence "We are such stuff / As ...
What are the raw materials for photosynthesis? What inputs are required for photosynthesis to produce oxygen and glucose? What type of chemical reactions is photosynthesis an example of? What part of photosynthesis produces oxygen? How are the products represented in the chemical equation for photosyn...
What materials are needed for a cell to produce a molecule of adenosine triphosphate? What substance required for aerobic metabolism is supplied to the body cells by respiration? (a) Oxygen (b) Carbon dioxide (c) Hemoglobin (d) Nitrogen...
Are smoking jackets only worn in the evening? Yes, smoking jackets or tuxedos are specifically designed for evening formal events. 7 What materials are suits made from? Suits are made from various materials, including wool, cotton, linen, and synthetic blends, suitable for different climates and...
Both materials are made of carbon, but both have vastly different properties. Graphite is soft; diamonds are hard. Graphite conducts electricity, but diamonds are insulators and can't conduct electricity. Graphite is opaque; diamonds are usually transparent. Graphite and diamonds have these properties...
The four actions we use tomake speechare: Respiration- it all starts with air from our lungs. Phonation- air passes our vocal cords or "voice box" and makes the cords vibrate for some sounds. Articulation- most of the action happens here when the air is changed into different sounds when...
As is the case of catabolism, anabolism is also controlled or regulated by hormones, primarily the human growth hormone, insulin, testosterone and estrogen, among others. Anabolic processes are largely fueled by catabolic processes, as the body requires energy and the raw materials before it can ...
It's a natural process in which the organic materials are broken down by microorganisms with the help of oxygen. You can compost at home and it's not inexpensive, but you'll end up with a rich finished product — compost or humus — that can benefit your yard as a natural fertilizer ...
What raw materials autotrophs used to produce sugars? What macromolecule is produced during photosynthesis for plant food? How do organisms that are not autotrophs get energy? How do autotrophs obtain energy? What is the by-product produced from photosynthesis? Which organisms undergo both photosy...
These sample materials are the preferred media for investigating contaminants; indeed, out of the 16 retrieved publications aimed at detecting pollutants or medicine residuals, 11 relied on either hair or feathers. Hair samples are used for pollutant and mineral detection in a wide range of mammals...