manga includes a near-infinite array of genres and styles. Manga includes science fiction, such as the cyberpunk dystopia Katsuhiro Otomo’sAkira, historical fiction like Osamu Tezuka’sBuddha, and superhero action comedies like ONE’s and Yusuke Murata’sOne-Punch Man. You’...
having wanted all her life to be treated as normal, only to find that once she gets surgery so that she can join the ranks of the rest of society, she’s so beautiful that
Meteorites represent generally less volatile remnants of the early solar system, i.e., objects which formed closer to the Sun and underwent more significant thermal processing (Lauretta and McSween2006). Their compositions range from metallic to stony. The latter category includes a class with which...
SDSS-IV MaNGA: Identification of active galactic nuclei in optical integral field unit surveys. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 2018, 474, 1499–1514. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [Green Version] Blundell, K.M.; Kuncic, Z. On the Origin of Radio Core Emission in Radio-quiet Quasars. ...