这是全球最大的类人猿饲养区之一 oneofthebiggestcollectionsofgreatapesontheplanet. 和人类族群一样类人猿家族由 Aswellashumans,thefamilyofgreatapesismadeup 大猩猩红毛猩猩 ofgorillas,orangutans, 黑猩猩和倭黑猩猩组成 chimpanzeesandbonobos. 看这些小家伙和成年个体一起玩真的很有趣 It'sreallylovelywatchingthe...
|播客|BBC 6 mi 06:38 戒酒Giving up alcohol |播客|BBC 6 minutes English 06:31 机器人会超越人类的思维吗?Will robots out-think humans? |播客|BBC 6 minutes English 06:17 结婚后男性是否应该使用妻子的姓?The men taking their wife's name after marriage? |播客 06:18 交通的未来 The future ...
We can creat our own world by using all the living creatures' abilities!It makes us human.自己写的。。。
Through my 38 years of research, I've come to believe that the essence of humans is our imagination. That is what makes us... us. You might think this is the end of our story, but it's not. When Ayumu was 2 years old, Ai was practicing stacking up wooden blocks as demonstrated ...
根据文章第一段第一句“Humans have a long history of "moving the goalposts" on what sets our species apart from all others(人类有着悠久的历史,我们将人类与其他动物区分开来的目标一直发生着变化)”,以及第一段最后一句“Even the very act of reading is a skill that generations of humans have ...
What makes humans human? By: Tom Scheve Chimp hugs: just as good as human hugs? See more pictures of primates. iStockphoto.com/Enjoylife2 Scientists speculated in the 1970s that chimps share almost 99 percent of our genetic makeup. It was a good guess -- research in the following...
Humans also have a unique type of memory, which Suddendorf calls "episodic memory." He says, "Episodic memory is probably closest to what we typically mean when we use the word 'remember' rather than 'know.'" Memory is what makes us human, allowing us to make sense of our existence an...
1BWhat makes humans so special? Tool use, self-consciousness, language, and culture are high on thelist, but in fact all of these characteristics can be found elsewhere in the animal kingdom. Humans and apesare close relatives, so it is perhaps not surprising that chimpanzees use tools or...
Only humans believe such stories, which is why we control the world, whereas the chimpanzees are locked up in zoos and research laboratories. 如果你们都相信我创造的这个故事,那么你们将遵循同样的准则、法律和价值观,你们便可以合作。你永远无法说服黑猩猩给你一根香蕉,通过承诺他,“...你死后,你会到黑...
there's not yet any proof that this self-awareness leads them to ponder the greater mysteries of the universe (which, in their case, could be prompted by the question, "What makes chimps chimps?") These collective differences seem to make up the human "soul," and what makes humans human...