What makes something polyvalent? Something is polyvalent if it can interact with or apply to multiple distinct targets or areas, especially in a scientific context. 5 Can a person be considered polyvalent? Typically, polyvalent is used for substances or concepts in science, not people. People are...
A pathogen is something that produces disease or infections. Bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites, and other microorganisms can all be pathogens. Pathogens commonly invade an organism, or host, and create illness. Answer and Explanation:1 Staphylococcus aureusis a bacterium. You probably have some of...
So again, something apparently simple, like constipation, actually has several layers of causality when you take the time to investigate properly – instead of just taking a drug to “fix” the problem. If your child (or you) suffers from constipation, or spastic colon, you should get me bo...
1 : the quality or state of being susceptible : the state of being predisposed to, sensitive to, or of lacking the ability to resist something (as a pathogen, familial disease, or a drug) : sensitivity. What increases a person's susceptibility to infection? Life style risk factors suchas ...
A channel is a medium through which something is transmitted or conveyed, whereas a passage refers to a way through which one can pass from one place to another.
A. Order food. B. Ask for the menu. C. Leave the restaurant. 3. Why does the man make the phone call? A. To cancel a visit. B. To make an appointment. C. To give some information. 4. What did the spea...
What is the term for a disease that is caused by a pathogen and that can be spread from one individual to another? What is the term for something that causes a reaction from an organism? Which portions of a bacterial cell aid the ab...
Lawn Love MakesLawn Care Easy Instant Quotes We offer instant, personalized quotes based on the size of your lawn, location, and requested service. Try us → Full Service Lawn Care Looking for lawn mowing, fertilization, gutter cleaning, leaf removal, yard cleanup, or something else? Our pros...
Microbes are tiny biotic organisms present in the environment in diverse amounts and too small to be visible to the naked eye. They may exist as single or in the form of a colony. Bacteria is the most abundant microbe found on the surface of the earth....
We don’t know – that is why it is called Disease X. The coronaviruses, a large group of viruses, were long seen as a prime contender for producing a new pandemic, even before the covid-19 outbreak. That is because the novel coronavirus wasn’t the first dangerous pathogen from thi...