SerVaas, Cory
The most common presentation of these disorders is hypermobility (being “double jointed”) and having stretchy or loose skin. Because there’s a lack of collagen production, it’s also common for scleras to be thin. This results in a bluish tint in the sclera. ...
i only suck my thumb when I'm on the laptop, .watching t.v or trying to sleep. A girl on here said the thumb she sucks is double jointed, well the one i suck isn't but the one i don't is? I thought i was the only one sucking her thumb over the age of 8. so happy I'...
A name given to many tall and coarse grasses or grasslike plants, and their slender, often jointed, stems, such as the various kinds of bamboo, and especially the common reed of Europe and North America (Phragmites communis). Flute To play on, or as on, a flute; to make a flutelike...
y Bacalao(chickpeas, turnip tops and salt cod). Grelos are sold in bunches, when in season, but they also come frozen, cooked and frozen, intinsand injars. I managed to pick 26 fresh and uneaten leaves, which was just about enough, but would have picked and cooked double …if allowed...
Some were jointed so that they could move. Some were given jobs to do, for example pounding out bread. Dolls were an important part of a girl’s life, and were often buried with them depicted on their sarcophagi and sometimes even buried with a little girl that had died before reaching ...
I've just came to know about your site. Its very informative. Thanks to those who worked for it. In fact, I was looking for a remedy to my problem. When I go for jogging, I feel a severe pain on outer side of the knee. It almost makes me limping. Someone told me its because ...
about 1.5 times the length of gonocoxites; distiphallus about the same length of ejaculatory apodeme, incurved, extending towards the apex of gonostyli, both ejaculatory apodeme and distiphallus form a single complex, jointed with parameral structure and encircles by a membranous parameral sheat...
I am double jointed in both elbows, knees, ankles, and thumbs. It doesn't hurt typically but I get stiffness and arthritis occasionally in my joints that can be tough to live with. It didn't give me any issues when I was younger but as I age, I worry about how much it will hurt...
Having a hitchhiker's thumb is not the same thing as being double-jointed. People who are double-jointed display a trait known as hypermobility, which allows them to move their joints much further than is normal. In this case, all of the fingers of the hand can be bent and twisted in...