You may also need the pneumococcal vaccine to prevent pneumonia. Do not drink alcohol when you are sick. Alcohol dulls your urge to cough and sneeze. Alcohol also causes your body to lose fluid. This can make the mucus in your lungs thicker and harder to cough up. Drink more liquids. ...
Smoking increases your risk for pneumonia. Smoking also makes it harder for you to get better after you have had pneumonia. Ask your healthcare provider for information if you need help to quit smoking. Avoid secondhand smoke. Limit alcohol. Women should limit alcohol to 1 drink a day. Men...
Influenza, or the flu, is a common cause of pneumonia, especially among people whose immune systems are compromised in some way. The flu usually doesn’t lead to pneumonia, but when it does, the outcomes are much worse and can be fatal. [8] Certain chronic medical conditions that affect ...
Lower lobe pneumonia Pulmonary embolism or blood clots in the lungsUpper abdominal pain could be: Right upper abdominal pain, Central upper abdominal pain and Left upper abdominal pain. The more common causes of pain in each of these upper abdominal regions are listed in the illustration abov...
Name three bacteria that commonly cause pneumonia. Which is the most common cause? Is mumps, a disease? What causes it? What causes dengue fever? Which organism causes a flu? What factors can influence the spread of disease? What influences the spread of a disease?
What makes them better or worse? Depending upon the circumstances, the patient may not have insight or may not remember the symptoms or complaints, and it may be up to a family member, caregiver, or friend to supply the appropriate information. ...
Repeatedrespiratory infectionssuch aspneumoniacan be a sign of lung cancer. Risk Factors Smoking Smoking is the primarycause of lung cancer. It contaminates the oxygen in the lungs and hence causes problems. Using other tobacco products like cigars or pipes also increases the risk for lung cancer...
* Pneumonia * Skin infections * Urinary tract infections (UTI) * Kidney infections * Prostate infections. Interestingly enough, Levaquin is also 'approved' to prevent infection after exposure to inhaled anthrax in adults and children. I wonder how they discovered that... Plus...
Bat poop used to grow cannabis kills 2 in New York in unusual casesTwo men from Rochester, New York died from a type of pneumonia after being exposed to a harmful fungus living in bat poop used to grow cannabis.Livescience Undo Artrite: A maneira mais rápida para melhorar as dores articu...
If a dry cough makes a hacking sound, then a wet cough can be described as a gurgling sound. (You can literally hear the fluid sloshing around in there.) You may also hear a rattle or a wheeze. Wet coughs usually point to something more serious, such as pneumonia or heartworm, so se...