says arman davtyan, assistant dean of enrollment management at pepperdine university's graziadio business school in california. "a candidate will want to look at the profile of admitted students or incoming students to see where they are, both from a gpa standpoint and a test score standpoint." ...
It started in 1909 as a mail-order business in Kansas City, founded by George Pepperdine, who also founded Pepperdine University in California. Ultimately, there were about 1,200 company-owned stores across the United States, as well as more than 4,000 private franchises. Later, Western Auto...
This is backed by years of academic research at my luxury strategy center Pepperdine University, which indicates that desirability, from a psychological viewpoint, is created through the anticipation of an individual perception shift across dimensions like attractiveness, perceived expertise, and the ...
Eraced,with Lisa Johnson, co-founder of Private School Village. I love listening because these two women can get serious one minute and laugh the next. They also have fantastic guests who bring unique and expert perspectives to the show. The two episodes on DEI are a must-listen–timely, ...
Claremont Graduate University Keck Graduate Institute These colleges are also very close to one another--in fact, all the campuses (except for Keck) occupy one square mile. But the thing that makes the 7Cs so unique is that they collaborate. For example, the colleges share a library, campus...
I graduated from Pepperdine University in 1999 with a degree in business. I was watching and studying the market closely when digital was really getting traction. I dabbled in tech and taught myself HTML to code my first personal website. Looking back, MySpace seems like a blip on my radar...
(17.6b) summarizes a semester's worth of messages posted by a distance learning course taught by Prof. Linda Polin of Pepperdine University. In comparison with the first map, note how much more tightly knit the social network is here: people are responding to one another. Note also the ...