(☆☆☆)AGameuniquesupposeourselvespersontalentpersonalStrengthSense假定,认为独特的感觉我们自己个人的长处,力量才智,天赋人ActivityThree 【听力对对碰】(☆☆☆) Listentothedialogueandfillintheblanks. Mike:HiHelen!Areyouthere?Helen:Yes,Mike.What'sup?Mike:Couldyou___me___myprojectthisweek?Helen:Sure.Tell...
英语作文:What makes me unique If you ask me what makes you unique,I will tell you it's writing that makes me unique 如果你问我是什么让你与众不同,我将告诉你我的不同之处是什么。To many people ,writing is just a kind of duty or project.But to me,writing is a kind o...
Lesson 43: What Makes You Unique?0 Are you proud of yourself? What are you good at?Li Ming and Jenny are chatting online.Li Ming: Hi Jenny! Are you there?Jenny: Yes, Li Ming. What's up?Li Ming: SOS!Ineedyourhelp with my Englshprojec his week.Jenny: No problem! Tell me more ...
Helen: Yes, Mike. What’s up? Mike: Could you help me with my project this week? Helen: Sure. Tell me more about it. Mike: We are supposed to write about Dr. Hawking. I know he is a famous scientist. But what ...
英语作文:What makes me unique If you ask me what makes you unique,I will tell you it's writing that makes me unique 如果你问我是什么让你与众不同,我将告诉你我的不同之处是什么。To many people ,writing is just a kind of duty or project.But to me,writing is a kind ...
strength[streŋθ]n.力量;长处unique[juː‘niːk]adj.独特的 Learnthenewwordsbyyourselves,whenyouhavesomequestions,youcanaskyourparterforhelp(自学本课的单词,如果有问题,可想你的同伴寻求帮助)unique ourselvespersontalentstrengthsensesupposepersonal 2019/5/20 独特的 我们自己人才智;天赋力量;长处意义...
I need your help with my English project this week. 这星期的英语课题我需要你的帮助。 No problem! 没问题! Tell me more about it. 和我详细说一说。 We are supposed to describe ourselves in a report. 我们准备在一个报告中形容一下自己。 What should I write about myself? 关于我自己我都应该...
v5. Yes, that makes _(意义).supposedourselvespersontalentspersonalstrengthsuniquesenseProjectvEveryone is special/unique. Write a short passage. Describe yourself and explain(解释)(解释)why you are unique.Summary1.be proud of 2.be good at v 3.be supposed to 4.whats up ? v 5.Its my ...
《What Makes You Unique_》Celebrating Me! PPT精品课件 Unit8CelebratingMe!Lesson43WhatMakesYouUnique?Objectives 1.获取本篇对话内容,了解李明和詹妮的聊天记录,提取在詹妮的帮助下李明是如何介绍自己的独特之处的信息,形成信息结构图。(学习理解)2.通过叙述李明如何介绍自己的长处,根据实际情况正确地评价自己,...
“StarshipDeliveryAddress”,auniqueaddressinsidea Starshipfacility,wheretheycan havepackagesent fromplacessuchasAmazon.com.Onceapackageis deliveredtotheStarshipaddress,customersreceivea textnotificationthatallowsthemtoscheduleahome deliveryviarobot.Therobotsareopenedbycustomersviaamobilephonecode. Barriersexistforrobo...