surfaceoftheislandsvasticesheetto meltat near-recordlevelsandahuge12. (lose) oficeintheArcticOn Wednesdayalone,more than10billiontonsoficewaslosttotheoceans bysurface melt,whichisequal13. about4,000,000Olympic-sizedswimmingpools, saidRuth Mottram,aclimatescientistwiththe DanishMeteorologicalInstitute. Me...
29 "Arctic icemelt is a natural cycle" Thick Arctic sea ice is undergoing a rapid retreat. 30 "Increasing CO2 has little to no effect" The strong CO2 effect has been observed by many different measurements. 31 "Oceans are cooling" The most recent ocean measurements show consistent warming. ...
(transitive) To melt. Flow The movement of a real or figurative fluid. Flux (intransitive) To flow as a liquid. Flow (math) A formalization of the idea of the motion of particles in a fluid, as a group action of the real numbers on a set. The notion of flow is basic to the stud...
161 "Antarctica is too cold to lose ice" Glaciers are sliding faster into the ocean because ice shelves are thinning due to warming oceans. 162 "Positive feedback means runaway warming" Positive feedback won't lead to runaway warming; diminishing returns on feedback cycles limit the amplificat...
Nullifying the Climate Null Hypothesis Climate Change: No Consensus on Consensus Climate Uncertainty and Risk Third, the paper is written to inform the public debate on climate change and policy makers. I am ever hopeful that some sanity can be interjected into all this. ...
That last point highlights the most significant single way that the Overfitted Brain Hypothesis stands apart. It posits that the narrative absurdity of dreams isnota side effect: that it is, in fact, the whole point of the exercise. Dreams, according to the OBH, are injections of noise tha...
Unfortunately the deepest holes drilled so far hit rock at about that time, so do not reveal the data needed to test such a reversal hypothesis. There is a search under way in the Antarctic for ice cores that go back to one million years. If such cores are found there will then be ...
say the surface chosen to conduct the ice-cube experiment was on a salted road, but the experimenters did not realize the salt was there and sprinkled unevenly, causing some ice cubes to melt faster. Because the salt affected the experiment's results, it's both a lurking variable and a co...
That modelling jet stream behaviour is difficult should come as no suprise: we are enteringTerra Incognitahere, with Arcticsea icemelting far more rapidly than most previous predictions have suggested. It makes sense to suggest that - ifsea icemelt is a prime driver here - that once all the ...
In finance, theFractal Market Hypothesisuses elements of chaos theory to predict swings in the stock market. This theory is an extension of theefficient market hypothesis, which suggests that prices move in arandom walk. The fractal market hypothesis states that during times of high uncertainty, p...