What is Good Academic Writing? Insights into Discipline-Specific Student Writingdoi:10.18552/joaw.v12i1.837le Roux, MichèleJournal of Academic Writing
1.1有效写作的原则(Introduction; principles of effective writing) 1.What makes good writing? Good writing communicates an idea clearly and effectively. Good writing is elegant and stylish. 2.What makes a good writer? Having something to say. Logical thinking. A few simple, learnable rules of ...
Thebestwaytoimproveyourwritingistogetapenandpaperandwrite.Bepreparedtowrite severalversions(版本)ofeachtext. 5 30分钟能力强化组合练(十五) 第60页 60 A.Knowyourreaders. B.Readwidelyandoften. C.Alwayscheckyourwritingtwice. D.Remember,practicemakesperfect! E.Choosebooksorarticlesthatinterestyou. F.Uses...
Adding phrases or expressions repeatedly in your writing reduces its attraction and makes it dull and annoying for the readers. Many writers often have this habit of adding clichés while crafting content, which must be avoided while writing academic content. These particular phrases are not mandatory...
What are the basic elements of literature to include in writing about a work of fiction or poetry? What are mechanics in writing? What makes a good narrative essay? What makes a narrative essay different from a descriptive essay? What is the format of a critical essay?
What exactly makes a kind of writing “formal”? You might think you need to use complicated words, longer sentences, and complex grammar structures to impress the reader and sound academic and professional. But formal writing can be simple and plain (in fact, simplicity is a good thing). ...
Which one is the good action in responding to reviewers?A We explain to the reviews what we have revised to addressed their comments.B If the criticism of the reviewers makes us uncomfortable, we should ignore an 33、d try to feel better.C If the reviewers think that the contributions are...
Chapter 1 What is academic writing Chapter1Whatisacademicwriting?DefinitionFeatures:Cohesionandcoherence;grammar,STYLEMetatext RESEARCHFUNCTIONS Citingotherresearchers'workVOCABULARYCHOICE Whatisacademicwriting?Theterm'academicwriting'comprisesmanydifferenttypesoftext,rangingfromaresearcharticlewrittenforpublicationinan...
L. Lennie Irvin Introduction: The Academic Writing Task As a new college student, you may have a lot of anxiety and questions * about the writing you’ll do in college. That word “academic,” espe- cially, may turn your stomach or turn your nose. However, with this first year composi...
wanttobegoodatsomething.youhavetoworkatit. “Practiceisn?tthethingyoudoonceyou?regood.” Gladwellwrites.“It?sthethingyoudothatmakesyou good.” Centraltothebookisthe“10,000-hourrule”.It meansthatifyou wanttobeamongthebestinthe world,you needto practisesomethingfor10,000 hours. 18 Forexample...