对于给定任务的,提出一个新的半监督方法来学习effective views。 应用我们的理解实现了SOTA of 73% on the ImageNet linear readout benchmark with a ResNet-50. 2. related work 最近最具有竞争性的方法 for learning representations without labels是自监督对比表示学习。在对比学习中一个主要的设计选择就是如何...
what makes for good views for contrastive learning Good views for contrastive learning can be achieved by presenting different types of data points that are visually and semantically diverse from each other. For example, different class labels can be used, different shapes and colors can be used,...
What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness 就是上面这位老爷爷。Robert Waldinger | About 在研究中,哈佛毕业生是一组19岁将近268人的白人群体,起始时间约为1939-1944年。而另一组人则是总数456人的11到16岁的群体,来自于波士顿的贫民窟。这个研究持续了 70多年,同类的研究留存下来...
We also consider data augmentation as a way to reduce MI, and show that increasing data augmentation indeed leads to decreasing MI and improves downstream classification accuracy. As a by-product, we also achieve a new state-of-the-art accuracy on unsupervised pre-training for ImageNet ...
Fixing a sentence fragment involves one of two things: giving it the components it lacks or fastening it onto an independent clause. Consider the following: There are many ways to frighten little brothers; for example, hiding under their beds and waiting for dark. Notice that in order to prop...
Meaningful learning occurs when we connect new information to prior knowledge and other past relevant ideas. This is far more effective than rote learning. This process helps you create a logical sequence and a cognitive view that makes sense to you. When you relate the new material to what yo...
Eventually I realized that I am being invited because Chicago is trying to be like a normal school with a celebrity commencement speaker. But of course they couldn’t go for a big time celebrity right off the bat. Chicago is a place where you lose your virginity slowly. ...
not sleeping less than five hours for more than two nights in a row and ensuring she has 15 minutes before every meeting for reflection. Coauthor Ramesh Srinivasan listens to classical Indian music with his wife every morning over a cup of coffee while discussing their intentions for the day....
The aforementioned equation is an oversimplification and not a one-size-fits-all solution. There are multiple ways to calculate LTV, and they depend on key events that happen within your app. For instance, if your app’s method of monetization isn’t user-generated revenue, your approach to ...
Sufficient Encoder在两个 viewv1,v2之间进行 contrastive learning. 假设f1是v1的特征提取器,如果I(v1;v2)=I(f1(v1);v2),则表明在经过特征提取之后,并没有损失信息。(借用另一篇文章的图)如下图右侧,粉色区域包含了一个viewX中与另一个viewS相关的所有信息,因此是一个 sufficient encoder. 然而,如果将粉...