Your urine has a strong smell. You have pain or burning in your urethra, bladder, or abdomen. It is too painful, difficult, or uncomfortable to insert your catheter far enough to start your urine flow. You have questions or concerns about your condition or care.Care...
Most people will have bad breath at least once in their life, but it is unusual for breath to smell like urine. Possible causes range from nasal congestion to chronic kidney disease (CKD). Treatment depends on the underlying cause. Here, learn more about
Urine should be clear or very light yellow, with little or no smell. If your urine is dark or smells strong, you may not be drinking enough.Care Agreement You have the right to help plan your care. Discuss treatment options with your healthcare provider to decide what care you want to ...
As we noted before, your pee is more concentrated when you're dehydrated, so it has that strong pee smell. Another cause behind that smell, though, can be B-6 vitamins, according to theCleveland Clinic. The vitamin is water-soluble, meaning it is eliminated in the urine. Check your supp...
Women who are ovulating don’t experience a change in urine odor, but hormones like estrogen and progesterone can give them a super sense of smell that makes them more sensitive to the odor. (7) Once you become pregnant, pregnancy hormones can cause urine odor to change. A strong urine ...
Different Urine Smells and What They Mean Pee doesn't usually have a strong smell. But some foods and supplements can change the odor. If you catch a whiff of something really strong before you flush, it might also be a sign of aUTI, diabetes, abladder infection, or a metabolic disease...
Oily smell Animal Urine Must Damp leaves Sewage Read: Scents That Make Sense When Selling Your Home Smoke Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. Cooking over an open flame, burning candles or using your fireplace can increase your chances of starting an accidental fire that can damage your home...
you have to consider what you're cleaning also. Although household bleach is mostly water, it can still be irritating on its own because of the strong smell. The sodium hypochlorite that is the main ingredient in bleach reacts when it is mixed with either ammonia-based cleaners or urine, ...
Smoking introduces toxic chemicals into your body, and your kidneys have the job of filtering these chemicals out of your blood, so they can leave your body through your urine. These chemicals collect in the kidneys and bladder, causing irritation and inflammation that makes it more likely that...
eucalyptus, cinnamon, or sour apple will deter your dog from revisiting the spot to urinate on again. However, be very cautious usingessential oils near pets. Essential oils in full concentration are toxic to both cats and dogs, and avoid using diffusers no matter how strong the urine smell....