What made Gone Girl's structure unique? What makes The Rape of the Lock neoclassical? What is the story Marigolds about? What is ironic about this murder mystery that the police are attempting to solve in 'Lamb to the Slaughter'?
–Rachel Gardiner, senior at Boston University, class of 2024 "Mechanical Engineering is all about learning what makes the universe work and how you can make it work for you. With an understanding of the workings of the world around us, we can do truly incredible things. I’ve loved my e...
Once you’ve made the decision to annuitize, you can’t do anything about it so it makes no sense to worry. 3. If you don’t have any annuities — don’t buy any. I’ve never liked annuities because I’ve rarely seen them work for clients. Of course this isn’t always the ...
“However, the content and the amount that we get all at once makes it so difficult,” she says. “There's a metaphor that med school is like drinking out of a fire hydrant because it's so much information all at once.” Another analogy she hears a lot is that me...
Bell is one of more than 70 heart-transplant patients who have participated in Baylor’s Heart-to-Heart program. It was launched in 2014 by William C. Roberts, MD. Baylor is unique in allowing transplant patients to “meet” their old hearts. “Probably 99.5 percent of hospitals throw the...
Everyone knows by now that Trump gets the lion-share of his support from white men without a college degree. Makes sense. Most educated people see through his bullshit quite easily, while many uneducated people do not. But it goes beyond that. Here they are broken it down into seven catego...
Living in Dallas, TX, is a rewarding experience full of opportunities and adventure. With its blend of economic prosperity, cultural richness, and recreational options, Dallas makes a strong case for being a top choice for relocation. If you’re considering making this vibrant city your new...
While everyone is unique, overall nutritional needs are relatively similar for the majority of people, saysKeri Glassman, RD CDN. She says she isn't convinced there is enough research to support vitamin personalization. "If I know I may be low in one nutrient area, I may decide totake a ...
What about their beneficial effects? Any buzz you may hear is that lectins are really bad for you. That their intolerance makes you fat or has inflammatory side effects. They often fail to mention that depending on the type, they can have a neutral effect – not being bad or good – or...
medical center, Frisina told Live Science. But in general, an ICU can technically be "'at capacity,' but have enough staff to do more," she said. In other words, patients don't necessarily get turned away when an ICU hits 100% capacity; the hospital typically makes more room, she ...