Penetration testing, also known as pen testing or ethical hacking, is the practice of testing an information technology asset to find security vulnerabilities an attacker could exploit. Penetration testing can be automated with software or performed manually. Either way, the process is to gather infor...
An ethical issue brings systems of morality and principles into conflict. Unlike most conflicts that can be disputed with facts and objective truths, ethical issues are more subjective and open to opinions and interpretation. Categories of Ethics Philosophers divide ethics into three different categories...
Explainability, or the ability to understand how an AI system makes decisions, is a growing area of interest in AI research. Lack of explainability presents a potential stumbling block to using AI in industries with strictregulatory compliancerequirements. For example, fair lending laws require U.S...
Another issue is the fast pace of technological innovation. In many cases, our laws are not current enough to adequately address all the possible forms of cybercrime. It might take a newer, younger wave of lawmakers to properly take on the challenges of today’s digital and criminal landscape...
Organization –Do you plan to control everything in house, or will you use an MSSP? Priorities and capabilities –Is security the core concern, or is compliance a key issue? Is monitoring the main priority, or will you need capabilities such as ethical hacking or penetration testing? Will y...
What is an ethical dilemma, and what makes ethical dilemmas particularly difficult to resolve? What are the three biggest issues in workplace ethics and why? What effect can unethical consumer behavior have on you? What is the primary problem for MNCs that try to define organizational ethics?
Business ethics is an evolving topic. Generally, there are about 12 ethical principles: honesty, fairness, leadership, accountability, integrity, compassion, respect, responsibility, loyalty, respect for the law, transparency, and environmental concerns. ...
What makes it possible for all this to happen so fast is that, unlike traditional AI, which has been quietly automating and adding value to commercial processes for decades, generative AI exploded into the world’s consciousness thanks to ChatGPT’s human-like conversational talent. That has als...
Shyness frequently came up as an issue that affected San people as individuals and as a group. Being shy is a form of vulnerability. Then even though you are hungry or have problems, you might be too scared to ask others for help. Yes. San people are vulnerable because they don’t want...
Ethical issues in research What is an ethical issue? How do they arise? What can we do about them? What are the rules and regulations that we must follow (BPS guidelines)? Ethical issues Problems arising from conflict between What is necessary for our research Our moral ...