What makes an entrepreneur?Discusses the critical issue and trends of creating a successful sustainable business enterprise. Implications of changes in businesses; Challenges of managing an organization; Impact of technological innovations in the entire landscape of global economy....
What makes an entrepreneur 来自 ResearchGate 喜欢 0 阅读量: 40 作者: JP Goodman 摘要: Discusses how Jon P. Goodman, director of the University of Southern California Entrepreneur Program, is able to get an inkling of who will successfully launch businesses and who won't. Goodman's key ...
don’t go to college if you want to be an entrepreneur because you’re learning the wrong thing – you’re learningnotto take risks. You need to teach them, as they are learning to run, how to also fail.
but not always, entrepreneurs finance startups themselves. When the entrepreneur doesn't have the resources to launch,crowdfundingis often an option -- putting out a call for contributions from those who have an interest in
WhatMakesaSuccessfulEntrepreneur?EvidencefromBrazil SimeonDjankov YingyiQian GérardRoland EkaterinaZhuravskaya* September2007 AbstractWetesttwocompetinghypothesesonwhatmakesanentrepreneur:nature-attitudetowardsrisk,I.Q.,andself-confidence;ornurture-familybackgroundandsocialnetworks.Theresultsarebasedondatafromanewsurvey...
What is entrepreneurship? What makes a person an entrepreneur? Ahead, explore the meaning of entrepreneurship, what it takes tobecome a successful entrepreneur, and how you can leverage your unique strengths to establish a path to being your own boss. ...
There’s no question Natalie is an entrepreneur today, but maybe she’s always merited that title. Entrepreneurial mindset is achievable even before you launch your own business. And it’s the first step on the way to success.What makes a person an entrepreneur? Ahead, explore the meaning ...
How to Become an Entrepreneur Photo: The Balance / Daniel Fishel An entrepreneur is someone who develops an enterprise around an innovation. They manage the business and assume the risk for its success. An entrepreneur is defined by the personal risk they take in pursuit of a new business, in...
That discrepancy may be due to the difference between whether someone was an entrepreneur before starting their current venture (i.e., CV's measure) and how long someone has worked in the current venture (i.e., our measure). Still, our estimates are too small to consider the effect of ...
英译汉部分 LUCY LU Showing what makes a great Chinese entrepreneur If the rumored biopic about Jack Ma, the richest man in China, becomes reality, I hope it includes the skirmish between him and a bunch of manhole cover thieves in his hometown, which epitomizes some essential traits of ...