胡文仲-What makes a good language learner Whatmakesagoodlanguagelearner?HuWenzhong(胡文仲)BeijingForeignStudiesUniversity Natureofthistalk Thisisnotacommercialpromotion.Therearenograndpromises.Whatwe'reinterestedinistheplaintruth:howstudentsshouldlearn.Outlineofthetalk WhatcontributestotheoutcomeoflearningaFLWhat...
What makes a good leader? What characteristics do good leaders all have in common? Where do they differ? Does the task make the leader or does the leader make the task? In short, what is leadership? The great leaders of history come from every walk of life; what unites them is their ...
To grasp this concept, consider US president Abraham Lincoln, a reserved, even shy leader whononethelessheld the country together during theCivil War. nonetheless adv.虽然如此,但是 Civil War 内战 Despitemonumentallosses on both sides, hisresolutedetermination to unify the country resulted in the reuni...
How did a man born in the woods of Kentucky with less than 18 months of formal education become one of America’s most beloved presidents? Abraham Lincoln is renowned as an incredible leader. Strategic, thoughtful, and just, he led the United States through its most difficult era. Lincoln ...
Unit9Whatmakesaleader?1 •Asenseofhumorispartoftheartofleadership,ofgettingalongwithpeople,ofgettingthingsdone.•——DwightD.Eisenhower •Discussion•Ifyouareelectedthechairpersonofyour country,whatisthefirstthingyouaregoingtodo?Whyisitimportant?2 •1.Whenyouselectapersontobeyourleaderatsomelevel,say...
1、Unit 9 What makes a leader?,A sense of humor is part of the art of leadership, of getting along with people, of getting things done. Dwight D. Eisenhower Discussion If you are elected the chairperson of your country, what is the first thing you are going to do? Why is it ...
Who is a good example of a servant leader? While traditional leadership is focused on helping an organization thrive, servant leaders put the needs of their employees first. They focus on developing individuals who perform their best. Examples of servant leaders areAbraham Lincoln, Martin Luther Ki...
What Makes George Washington A Good President A 653 Words 3 Pages Decent Essays Read More How Did Abraham Lincoln Influence Our Society Abraham Lincoln was president of the Unitd States from 1860 until 1865, during one of the biggest struggles our nation has ever faced. Lincoln lead our nation...
新编大学英语5unit-9-What-makes-a-leader Unit9Whatmakesaleader?•Asenseofhumorispartoftheartofleadership,ofgettingalongwithpeople,ofgettingthingsdone.•——DwightD.Eisenhower •Discussion•Ifyouareelectedthechairpersonofyour country,whatisthefirstthingyouaregoingtodo?Whyisitimportant?•1.Whenyou...
Looking at the current field of American presidential candidates from both parties, can we tell which one of them will make a great leader? One way to answer this question is to look back to history. Who are the greatest American presidents in the past? What makes them stand head and shou...