What is a valid IPv6 address?() A. 00:05:85:23:45:67 B. C. 2001:0db8:3000:2215:0000:0000:aaaa:1111 D. 49.0001.0192.0168.1001.00 点击查看答案手机看题 你可能感兴趣的试题 单项选择题 What is the decimal equivalent of 00000100?() A. 2 B. 4 C. 9 D. 12 点击查看答案手...
15. What is the valid host range that host is a part of?(现有主机的IP地址19
答案:E.解析:根据这个 IP 地址可知:这是一个 B 类地址,由子网掩码[1]可知, 二进制[2]如下10101100.00010000.00001100.0001010011111111.11111111.11111111.11110000 进行与运算10101100.00010000.00001100.00010000 网络地址得到广播地址如下:10101100.00010000.00001100.00011111 广播地址 00011111>>16+8+...
There are several ways that you can identify whether or not an IP address is valid for your network. You will want to make sure each of these methods has been checked before proceeding with any other troubleshooting steps: –Check the hostname associated with the IP addressand see if it re...
On a given network, every IP address must be unique. For example, two computers cannot both have the address "" Although the address itself is valid, attempting to assign the same number to two machines creates a conflict and generates an error message. ...
IP stands for Internet Protocol and it is the way that computers communicate online. It assigns addresses to each computer so they can send and receive data. An IP address looks like a set of numbers separated by periods, like this: Every device connected to the internet has ...
This can be achieved by inserting a signature in the digital document, usually in a signature box. Certain jurisdictions will have more specific requirements about what makes an eSignature valid, though. That’s why it’s always important to check where eSignatures are accepted before using ...
When the lease period ends, the device must either renew the IP address or obtain a new one. The DHCP process ensures that each device in the network possesses valid address information, which allows for proper routing and communication without manual configuration overhead. ...
Valid values: PayByBandwidth: Fees are charged based on bandwidth usage. PayByTraffic: pay-by-data-transfer k8s.aliyun.com/eci-enable-ipv6 "true" Specifies whether to assign an IPv6 address to the instance. Assign an IPv6 address to an Elastic Container Instance-based pod k8s.aliyun....
If the signature is not valid, the resolver assumes a cyber attack, discards the data and returns an error. How Do Resolvers Know When to Trust DNSSEC Keys? Each zone publishes its public key which a resolver can use to validate the data in the zone. The integrity of the public key ...