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What Makes a Leader 下载积分: 0 内容提示: www.hbr.org BE S T OF H BR 1 998What Makes a Leader? by Daniel GolemanIQ and technical skills are important, but emotional intelligence is the sine qua non of leadership.Reprint R0401 H ...
Harvard - What Makes A Leader - Daniel Goleman - 020217.pdf 热度: What Makes a Leader(英文原文) 热度: Danaher-harvard business review 下(中文) 热度: D O N O T C O P Y ARTICLE WhatMakesaLeader? byDanielGoleman PRODUCTNUMBER3790
《goleman-what_makes_leader》.pdf,BEST OF HBR 1998 It wa5 Daniel Goleman who first brought the term emotiona ! intelligenceto a wide audience wit h his 1995 book of that name, and it was Coleman who first applied the concept to business wit h his 1998 HB
What Makes a Leader? 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 Introducing an Important New Series of Original Audiobooks: The ideas expressed in "Emotional Intelligence "ten years ago have taken on a life of their own. They spurred a movement, with enthusiastic adherents in the business world, in...
What Makes a Leader? 李君涵 宋纯一 刘克秀 石果平 黄清扬 杨鸿源 唐兴南 俞 悦 Introduction What Makes a leader? A well-known sample: A highly skilled executive who was promoted into a leadership position failed. A man without extraordinary intellectual abilities and technical skills was promoted...
What makes a leader?Mary Elizabeth Sutherland Nature Human Behaviour volume 2, page 718 (2018)Cite this article 3083 Accesses 4 Altmetric Metrics details Science 361, eaat0036 (2018) Micah Edelson, of the University of Zürich, and colleagues combined behavioural, computational and neurobiological...
Looking at the current field of American presidential candidates from both parties, can we tell which one of them will make a great leader? One way to answer this question is to look back to history. Who are the greatest American presidents in the past? What makes them stand head and shou...