A.Goodthingscometokindpeople. B.Theearlybirdcatchestheworm. C.Behindbadluckcomesgoodluck. D.Moneyistoomuchforstrangers. 二、完形填空 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 语篇类型:夹叙夹议文 主题语境:人与自然 词数:273 难度:★★★ (2022·湖北省沙...
解析 1. disagree 2. boring, bored 3. Japanese, Japan 4. interesting 1. disagree: 表达与计划不一致。 2. boring, bored: 表达课程令人厌烦,以及对课程感到厌烦。 3. Japanese, Japan: 表达在日本度假时学到的日语。 4. interesting: 表达经历令人感兴趣。
Lesson planning is necessary and beneficial to both experienced and novice teachers.There are principles but no standard ways for planning lessons.A good lesson does not only depend on aclearly structured lesson plan but on how much we can engage learners ...
Firstly, a clear lesson plan makes the teacher aware of the aims and language contents of the lesson. Secondly, it helps teachers distinguish the various stage of a lesson and see the relationship between them so that the activities of different difficultylevels can be arranged properly and the...
3.What makes a good language teacher? 4.How can one become a good language teacher? 1.What is communicative competence? 2.What are principles of CLT? 3.What is the relation between CLT and TBLT? 4.What are differences between PPP and TBL? 5.What are main components of a task? How ...
What makes a good president? Oliver knows, and he thinks it’s a lot of the same things that make a good teacher. So, the boy writes a letter to his local newspaper explaining why his teacher should be president. It’s a cute and easy to understand book that shows the comparisons in...
advice the experts offer. People, it seems, are even more nervous about their parenting than they are about their waistlines.A scientific analysis ranks the 10 most effective child-rearing practices.Surprisingly, some don’t even involve the kids By Robert Epstein What Makes a Good Parent?
We’re going to read and discuss some famous speeches and consider what it is that makes them so effective and memorable. Speeches are often delivered to large audiences under grave or dramatic circumstances, but recognizing the elements of good speeches also can help in our everyday ...
1.WhatmakesRomaniadifferentfromtheother places? A.Nicehostels. B.Deliciousfood. C.Less-visitedtowns. D.Cheaptransportation. 2.Whatmaytheauthorrecommendfortravelling inSouthAfrica? A.Driveyourowncars. B.Cookyourownlunches. C.Stayinexcellenthotels. D.Finduniquetravelpartners. 3.Whatfeaturedothefourdestin...
What makes a good teacher? Being a great teacher isn’t just about knowing your subject inside out; it’s about connecting with your students, embracing technology, and being adaptable. Thequalities of excellent teachersgo beyond traditional metrics, too. It’s much more than grades and benchma...