Spend some time thinking in the language you learn.A good first step is to think in simple sentences.Then you can move to think in conversations.Imagine yourself speaking to someone else.The(5)___to building a habit of thinking in the language is doing it every day,over and over again....
What makes a good language learner? There are some things that good language learners do and some things they don't do. Here are some of the most useful suggestions (建议 ) from studies.Don't be afraid of making mistakes. People often get things wrong. Good language learners find their ...
访谈( To Be Interviewed) 语言学习成功者的奥秘( What Makes a Good Language Learner) ... www.diyifanwen.com|基于38个网页 2. 外语学习者 ...Learning)》、胡文仲教授的《如何成为优秀的外语学习者( What Makes A Good Language Learner)》,文秋芳教授的《 …www.lywhxy.com|基于1 个网页...
WhatMakesaGoodLanguageLearner第二段具体探讨学习动机的作用第三段探讨性格因素的作用第四段谈语言学习技能的重要 WhatMakesaGoodLanguageLearner What Makes a Good Language Learner?(语言学习成功者的奥秘) 汉浯提示:使浯言学习者成功的因素是什么,是学习动机、学习者的个性、聪明才智、还是其他因素?请写一篇150字...
whatmakesagoodlanguagelearner?thisisaneternalquestiontowhichthereisnorealanswer.soeverythingiamgoingtosayisopentodiscussion. motivationiscertain[ytobethemostimportantfactor.therearetwotypesofmotivation.oneisexternalmotivation--thisisthekindofmotivationthatpersuadesastudenttolearnalanguageinordertopassanexamination.th...
Many studies about language learning ask the question: What makes a good language learner? There are some things that good language learners do and some things they don’t do. 、 Here are some of the most useful suggestions from studies. First, don’t be afraid of making mistakes. People...
Whatmakesagoodlanguagelearner?HuWenzhong(胡文仲)BeijingForeignStudiesUniversity Natureofthistalk Thisisnotacommercialpromotion.Therearenograndpromises.Whatwe'reinterestedinistheplaintruth:howstudentsshouldlearn.Outlineofthetalk WhatcontributestotheoutcomeoflearningaFLWhatarelearningstrategiesResearchonlearningstrategies...
what makes a good language learner? this is an eternal question to which there is no real answer. so everything i am going to say is open to discussion. motivation is certain[y to be the most important factor. there are two types of motivation. one is external motivation--this is the...