一、 词形运用1.Jim can ___(dance) ___(good) well.2.What can she ___(learn) — ___(prep.)
For example, What makes a video go viral?希望你说的不是我,罗伯。第三个单词,走红,是指一张图片,一段视频或其他信息在网络上迅速在人群中传播。例如,是什么让一段视频走红呢?I don’t know, Neil – If I knew how to make a viral video,...
一、词形运用1.Jim can___(dance)___(good/well).2.What can she___(learn)___(prep.) the st
What Makes You Beautiful is one of the few songs in Just Dance 4 where the Dance Quests do not call for a Dance Style, along with Call Me Maybe (on the Nintendo Wii) as well as Good Feeling. In Just Dance 4, the preview audio uses the first half of the chorus; however, in Just...
It takes courage to show respect. In the words of Voltaire: “I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight to the death to difend your right to say it.” Failing to see anything good on the other side makes a dialogue impossile. Without a dialogue, we will keep...
I have a good kitty. 我有一只好棒的小猫咪。 She likes to sleep. 她喜欢睡觉。 I like to play. 我喜欢玩。 She likes to play. 她也喜欢玩。 We play chase. 我们玩追逐游戏。 My kitty is hard to catch. 我的小猫很难捉到。 I tric...
Fill in the blanks. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Are you good at ___(dance)?2. What subjects do yo
is also correct, but the present perfect makes it sound more dramatic.)How to conjugate the past perfect tenseWhen a sentence has two past events, use the past perfect tense, also known as the pluperfect, to show which one happened first. It’s typically used in compound or complex ...
I have a good kitty. 我有一只好棒的小猫咪。 She likes to sleep. 她喜欢睡觉。 I like to play. 我喜欢玩。 She likes to play. 她也喜欢玩。 We play chase. 我们玩追逐游戏。 My kitty is hard to catch. 我的小猫很难捉到。 I t...