演讲题目:What makes a "good college" -- and why it matters 演讲简介: 为什么“好大学”常常是录取率最低的大学?教育家塞西莉亚 M. 欧凡揭露社会对高拒绝率和昂贵大学的痴迷的后果并且邀请观众们重思名校的定义以及给服务所有学生的区域性公立大学捐款。欧凡...
And RPU students often don't have the test scores requiredto get into a highly rejective college. Not because they aren't capable, but because they weren't given the same advantages as other students. 04:07 My mother was a brilliant woman who had an eighth-grade education, and she died...
Education is the very thing that we want to receive.Our parents send us to school so as to enable us to get (obtain) knowledge and achieve great things in the future.The following are the duties of a student (which) we should keep in mind.In the first place,we should be filial to ...
whatmakesagoodcollegeteacher? 好老师,我想, meansthatgivingusallknowledgeheknowsabsolutely,supervisingstudents 严格地说,教学生双手合十,分配适当的作业 tostudentsandbeingkindenoughtogivestudentstimetorelievepressureandsoonbutthosewayscateringtoexamination-oriented 进入大学前的教育必要性 在我们心目中一个好老师,...
What Makes a Good College Teacher? 大学英语作文 A good teacher, in our minds,means that giving us all knowledge he knows absolutely, supervising studentsstrictly, teaching students by holding their hands, assigning proper homeworkto students and being kind enough to give students time to relieve ...
Lastly, integrity and ethical behavior form the cornerstone of a good student's character, ensuring honesty in academic pursuits and尊重 for diversity. In essence, a good college student is one who excels academically, manages time wisely, communicates effectively, adapts to change, and demonstrates...
Education is the very thing that we want to receive.Our parents send us to school so as to enable us to get (obtain) knowledge and achieve great things in the future.The following are the duties of a student (which) we should keep in mind.In the first place,we should be ...
What makes a college good? Atlantic Magazine Web site. 2003. http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2003/ 11/what-makes-a-college-good/2814/. Accessed January 12, 2012.Confessore,Nicholas.‘What Makes a College Good?’. . 2003
Third, BS/MD admission officers like students who take many AP courses. They believe that this demonstrates competency in advanced courses and therefore projected success in college. Because BS/MD programs have medicine as their focus, AP science courses (chemistry, biology, physics, etc.) are gi...
What Makes a Good College Teacher? Agoodteacher,inourminds, meansthatgivingusallknowledgeheknowsabsolutely,supervisingstudents strictly,teachingstudentsbyholdingtheirhands,assigningproperhomework tostudentsandbeingkindenoughtogivestudentstimetorelievepressureandsoonButthosewayscateringtoexamination-oriented educationare...