The burning question of “What makes a classic?” is one of great controversy. If indeed the Secret Garden has been labeled as such, then who made the decision and why has it sustain over the centuries? Even more thought provoking is, why is this book relevant? The most salient point on...
What Makes a Classic Novel a Classic?Ren PTulsa
Absolutely not so, strange that anyone would say that. f/3 has a diffraction limited central region of less than a millimeter. Coma would be extreme. Coma in a Newtonian is such that you can't be rid of it by using higher magnifications - you just magnify the coma and it shows up i...
I have two refractors, a 60mm f/17 and a 100mm f/13 that I built with vintage Carton lenses. To me they are my Carton refractors and what makes them tick is a vintage component. If the lenses had been Clarks they would be for all practical purposes Clark refractors. How many Clark...
Tadd noted that what makes a classic is not just its age but its enduring relevance – each generation finds new value in these ancient words. For instance, the "Tao Te Ching" struck a chord with him as a 14-year-old American, and its resonance persists into the 20th century. Further...
Charlotte's Web: What Makes a Classic电影、影评、预告片、上映时间、剧情、导演、演员、影评、海报剧照、新闻资讯、出品机构、详细资料等相关信息。
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Charlotte's Web: What Makes a Classic演员列表,演员:Lucien L. Agosta,苏珊娜·格兰特,Jordan Kerner,凯利·柯克帕特里克等
What Makes a Book a Classic? People usually confuse “classical” with “classic” when it comes to literature.1. A work of classical literature refers only to ancient works, while classic works are great literature throughout the ages. For example,Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seahas long...
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