If you're having a major surgery, you most likely will receive general anesthesia and be unconscious during the procedure. This means you will have no awareness of the procedure once the anesthesia takes effect, and you won't remember it afterward. Can you pee yourself during surgery? Urinary...
General anesthesia.It puts you "to sleep" during surgery. You may get this for a variety of procedures, including major operations. You get medicine in a needle in a vein (IV) to put you to sleep and then breathe the medicine in through a mask or a tube in your airway to keep you ...
Why do you need a job description? Properly written job position descriptions are often the only documents that totally define what a role is, what skills are required to perform it, and where the role fits in an organization. This makes it simple to identify candidates that are a good fit...
What You Need to Know About Becoming a Nursing Major. At the undergraduate level, nurses "are not really locked into a subspecialty, so you can try out different things to choose what's right for you," Sadak says. However, those who want to develop expertise within a particular branch of...
Hey all! Sorry for the delay but we are both old and crippled and sickly. On this episode, we go into some major pregaming….very important things like celebrity farts and bad SNL skits. Also, Amanda’s mom Daphne gives her very Canadian review of the Cher concert she attended on Tues...
Careful planning is important, beginning from the time a need for surgery has been defined and continuing through the immediate pre-operative period,anesthesia, surgery, and recovery. The choice of drugs is of major importance, and the anesthesiologist, theN Gould...
You will be given eye drops to numb the eye. The anesthesiologist will give you medication through an I.V. to relax you. If you are still anxious or not fully comfortable, additional I.V. medication is given so that you are essentially asleep through the procedure. You may be awake or...
did everyone else. The anesthesiologist, said, “More meds.” I slept. entourage. Somehow, my private parts had fallen out of my pajamas. My doctor turned to the youngest and prettiest nurse and ordered her to put them back gently. Which she did. Now, I ...
Alcohol wasn’t included on this list, but it’s a major contributor consistently. More than 2,200 people die from alcohol poisoning each year. Most are adults between 35 and 64 years old. Can you prevent a drug overdose? In most situations, you can prevent a drug overdose. Try these ...
A cleft palate surgery will repair your child's mouth. Find out what you can expect from cleft palate surgery so you feel informed and supported during this time.