Chinese animation is on a high after a hit comedy received widespread applause following its debut two months ago. It was seen as an attempt at exploring a fresh animation theme. "Animation makers in China rarely do realistic subjects," said Director Sun Haipeng. "If I do...
That's a breathtaking statistic. The anime industry is humungous, consisting of over 430 production companies, including major studios you may have heard of like Studio Ghibli, Sunrise, Bones, Ufotable, MAPPA, Wit Studio, CoMix Wave Films, and Toei Animation. There are way more facts to know...
What Is An Animation Timing Chart? The Roles of Animation Timing Charts? The Fundamentals of Animation Timing Charts Inbetween Drawings Practice Different Animation Timing Charts Thirds Animation Timing Chart Favors Animation Timing Chart Practice Animation Timing Charts in Motion...
What is flash animation I think you hit the nail right on the head Amk. There isn't that big a difference in the amount of work. But a lot of studios and CEO's just know this buzz word "Flash" and right away think, fast turn around, cheap price, and cheap quality. Flash will s...
There are two main factors that have contributed to the rise ofmedical animation. The first is the pursuit of depicting the human form and medical procedures. And the second is the technology allowing for innovations in how to depict these procedures visually. In the 19th century a major techno...
It was in the 1970’s that there was the first movement towards true3D animation, when the film, Futureworld used 3D wireframing to create a hand and face. By the end of the 1970’s wireframe rendering and wireframe model graphics had been used in some major Hollywood blockbusters includin...
Last night the men delivered a round of mostly lackluster performances, but as you know, girls just want to have fun (and singAdele, probably), so I had high hopes for tonight.Ryan Seacrestkicks things off doing a little cheer becauseScotty McCreeryis contractually obligated to return to th...
A storyboard typically includes early concepts for camera placement, transitions, potential visual effects to enhance each shot, audio notes, and certain major character poses or scene events. The entire team needs this tool to get a feel for how the finished animation will look and feel. ...
Video content has blown up over the past few years to become a major trend and is now the preferred content format by far, as is evident from TikTok’s success. In fact, it has been predicted that in 2020, over 70% of mobile traffic will be videos. ...
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