Of course I want to be controlled by USA point of view. USA is democracy, USA is free speech. Russian rules mean dictatorship, murdering opposition and banning the truth. It's easy to choose, isn't it? Learn some history. After WW2 Europe was divided into USA and USSR controlled territ...
Who won WW2 - Russia or the USA? Who was the leader of Russia during WW2? Who was the Secretary of War during WWII? What countries made up the Axis Powers in World War II? What was the Battle of Naples during WW2? What land did Japan gain after the Russo-Japanese War? Who were ...
JOIN THE GAMES atWorldRecordJobs.com- each year we update a top 52 pack full of purposeful lives ; those we believe every teacher/parent let alone every student of the first sustainability generation needs to have just enough knowledge of to spread love happiness entrepreneurial courage not hate...
@Jamie John I reckon I’ll have to join in here too! Last year I read roughly 16-18 books and my aim for this year is 24, 2 per month which I think is doable! I mostly read non-fiction however I’d like to bring more fiction back in this year. I’m currently most of the...
I made a couple of errors in the video (hazard of saying the first thing that comes into my head) - there are six marking options, not five; and the two curved 3D resin parts are not ammo feeds. They are alignment jigs for the 30mm cannon. You can see my 12 minute unboxing video...
ow and half the northern Irish hate them, the other half wants to join them. It’s the same for the Irish themselves. The rest of europe is often referred to as Mainland Europe and pretty much any Irish I spoke to has been to Amsterdam for the crack as they say (meaning to have ...
Like King and so many others, we can be sure that all the praises of Desmond Tutu as the great moral compass of the world will be made safely, after he’s dead. Before then would have been much too dangerous, and he was best ignored until then — at which point his passing can be...
Comey’s letter to Congress was made public. “Is he investigating the Trump Foundation? Is he looking into the Russians hacking into all of our emails? Is he looking into and deciding what is going on with regards to other allegations of the Trump Organization?” Mr. Comey would not ...
They might or might not have invented most trappings of modernity (so what, the Romans invented the computer. There’s more to invention than merely a single act of “I made this.” To pull humans into modernity there must be tolerance (yes, you heard that) even if no reward for the ...
So the govt of the day confiscates land for the war effort (WW2) saying it will be returned. It is not returned but made into a golf course. The local Iwi “whined” about it for the return of the land. It eventually did but so much for trust...