Disaster movies have long been a genre in Hollywood, but you won't find many as truly emotional asThe Impossible. Set during the devastating tsunami that hit Thailand in 2004, the movie follows a family, featuring Naomi Watts, Ewan McGregor and a young Tom Holland, as they attempt to reuni...
The novel shows the devastating effects of slavery through stories of eight generations of the sisters’ descendants, including those who remained on the Gold Coast and those who made their way from the plantations of the American South to Harlem in the 20th century. Ivory Coast Aya: Life in ...
The most devastating tsunami to strike the California coast Bettmann/Getty Images Since 1800, California has recorded more than 150 tsunamis, but most of them were small and raised water levels only slightly without causing too much damage. Despite that, the state has experienced a few devastating...
Night Watch (2004) Among normal humans live the "Others" possessing various supernatural powers. They are divided up into the forces of light and the forces of the dark, who signed a truce several centuries ago to end a devastating battle. Ever since, the forces of light govern the day wh...
An academic made the case that: “governments need to have a clear and unbiased view of the most up-to-date research on alcohol problems and be bolder about tackling some of the root causes such as overly cheap alcohol and irresponsible marketing that encourages heavy drinking” (Herald, 17th...
The Tri-City Herald makes a historical reference to a flour mill in the Tri-Cities that burned in 1913, but not about the elevator itself. It says General Mills Sperry Division in faced paint on its side, Sperry Mills was an active miller who made flour in WA state and had a large ...
In Germany, a team at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre performed earthquake simulations using the devastating Indian Ocean earthquake of 2004, which spurred a massive tsunami, as their point of origin. According to Professor Michael Bader of Germany’s Institut für Informatik, they wanted to “be...
M Rowe - The Search for Answers: The Earthquake That Struck Japan at 2.46pm on 11 March Was the Worst in the Country's History, Triggering a Devastating Tsunami and an Ongoing Nuclear Crisis. Mark Rowe Uncovers the Reasons Why the Quake Was So Destructive and Looks at the Lessons Being Le...
One of the most striking features of Santa Catalina Island, southwest of Los Angeles, is an absence. Unlike much of the California coast and its closest islands, Catalina lacks cliffs stepping up and back from the sea – remnants of shorelines carved whe
But the facts are on his side. As he amassed the evidence for WMD materials and hundreds (possibly thousands) of trained terrorists in Afghanistan’s camps, as he made the case for what he calls “aggressive defense” against the Taliban, as he linked this threat to the newly belligerent ...