Came across a lvl 50 Pub who tried to gank me on ice bridge, who apparently was already in some pvp gear, because I was being melted. At around 1k life, I re-positioned myself and Force Pushed him off the bridge and watched him plummet for what felt like 10 seconds. I knew in ...
Today I decided to breed my dodos (I was trying to get colorful ones for almost as long, as I was playing (as in, on a server. I didn't bother with mutations of anything until I started to play on a server), but never really succeeded, the only bright ones wer...
The problem is that if I use my 20min cooldown and make even the slightest mistake (occasionally happens on lvl 50 bosses who, if they land even one cast on me will put me far behind the damage race) I'm screwed for 20 minutes. And on Ilum there seems to be a ton of mobs that...
collected more supplies and headed north. I found a level 100 saber cat just before the sand turns to ice and lured him into my mobile taming pen easily enough using myself as bait. This time I pulled away from the beach to open water and finished the tame with...