Most federal student loan deferments require that you apply. Only one type, known as in-school deferment, is automatic if you are enrolled at least half-time. If you believe you qualify for a deferment based on other categories, you will need to apply.1 ...
See what kind of student loan refinance options you qualify for and get relief today. With a student loan refinance, you're essentially consolidating your private or federal student loans into a new loan (hopefully with a lower interest rate). However, you should try to avoid doing this with...
The loan process for prequalification is pretty straightforward and quick. After explaining the loan purpose and submitting some basic financial information, your loan lender checks your creditworthiness and determines whether you’ll qualify. The requirements will vary, but most lenders will look at yo...
If you teach in a low-income school for five consecutive years, you might qualify for up to $17,500 withTeacher Loan Forgiveness. For some teachers, this can be a way to get a large portion of their loans forgiven in a shorter period of time. It's important to note, however, that ...
If you don’t qualify now for a personal loan and don’t need the funds urgently, consider working on your credit score. Paying down your credit card balances is one of the best ways you can boost your score quickly. It lowers yourcredit utilization ratio, which is a major factor in ho...
For all businesses, we require some standard information about your business. We also require more specific information about each business owner, guarantor and controlling manager of the business before applying and qualifying for a business loan at Ban
When you refinance your mortgage, you’re taking out a new loan to pay for your existing mortgage. The difference: This new loan will have new (and hopefully better) terms. A few major reasons you may consider refinancing your mortgage: It could lower your monthly payment: When you refina...
Wondering what your income needs to be to qualify for a loan? Though there’s no holy-grail amount of income that guarantees a loan, you need to meet the minimum requirements stated by the province. This article will tell you what income you need to qualify for a loan – and how to ...
A good credit score can also help you qualify for better mortgage rates, which will help you save more money on your mortgage payments. The interest rate you receive on your mortgage matters, as even a slightly lower interest rate can have a major impact on what you pay in interest. ...
Wonderinghow to apply for a small business loan? It’s not as complicated as you may imagine. Depending on the type and terms of the small business loan you’re seeking, your lender will evaluate factors such as your creditworthiness, industry, or business age. Just remember to research each...