The term “4PL” stands for “fourth-party logistics.” 4PL provides are usually responsible for managing independent 3PL providers. A fourth-party logistics provider is sometimes also called a lead logistics provider (LLP) because they might specialize in directing one or more parts of the suppl...
SPA Systems & Process Assurance (PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP) SPA Software Product Assurance SPA Society of Publishing Arts (Japan) SPA Softball Players Association SPA Separation Party of Alberta (political group; Canada) SPA Society of Professional Accountants SPA Sanum Per Aqua (Latin: Health Thro...
LLC stands for limited liability company, which means its members are not personally liable for the company’s debts. LLCs are taxed on a “pass-through” basis — all profits and losses are filed through the member’s personal tax return. Generally, LLCs are required to pay a one-time ...
HDSPHergott Duval Stack & Partners LLP(Canada) HDSPHammerfall Digital Signal Processing HDSPHigh-Performance Digital Signal Processing HDSPHigh Definition Sound Projector(horn principle used in professional audio systems) Copyright, All rights reserved. ...
Partners in an LLP do not assume liability for wrongdoing or errors made by other partners. This makes the LLP structure popular with (and typically limited to) law firms, doctors, accountants, and other professionals who are licensed and can face malpractice lawsuits. Unlike limited partnerships,...
LLP stands for limited liability partnerships. LLP partners are only liable for their own actions and not the actions of the other partners in the partnership. LLC stands for limited liability company. An LLC offers limited liability to all partners much like shareholders in a corporation. ...
In business law, BJR stands for Business Judgement Rule. It is a law used in countries where common law applies to protect the board of directors from... Learn more about this topic: Business Law Definition, Types & Examples from Chapter 1/ Lesson 2 ...
QDRO stands for qualified domestic relations order. To learn more about QDROs, read on. SEE: 12 Steps to Protect Your Money in Divorce. What Is a QDRO? A QDRO is a court order that judges use to split up certain types of retirement plans, like a 401(k), into two equal parts for ...
So if you’ve ever wondered what “Inc” stands for and are looking to learn the advantages and disadvantages of incorporating your business, read on. In this blog post, we will explorewhat does Inc mean in business, how to legally incorporate your business in any state, and discuss the ...
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