Does that make it broken? In 3.5/Pathfinder, it's relatively common to talk about taking one-or-two level dips in various classes to get at low-level abilities: a 2-level dip in paladin gets you a bonus on your saves equal to your charisma; a level or two dip into fighter gets ...
First off,shields don't require attunement and stack with everything, even spells as long as you have war caster. that's +10AC right off the bat. Finding the highest base armor rating is difficult, however it's the barb 20, paladin 3 and fighter 1 that end up tying at a total of ...
Looking at mid-level spells, however, there’s the paladin and Tempest cleric spelldestructive wave, which can deal a big tranche of both thunder and radiant damage at once. Even if a baernaloth makes its Constitution saving throw—which it probably will, since it’s proficient in that save...
Going back to my example above, If I ruled that a cleric couldn't take/prepare the zone of truth spell (and didn't tell him) I might very well give him a pick from the paladin's spell list... And if that pick resulted in a SMITING cleric, I'd congratula...
For example, I played an Int 12 wizard, which locked him to 6th-level spells. This became a story hook where he sought to learn the Insight spell to boost his intelligence temporarily so he could then learn the Permanency spell and make himself an enchanted crown of intelligence. Having ...
Later you will get Time [Stop] Traps and Spike Traps. The former will allow you to slash at helpless enemies, while the latter deal damage on the same level as level 9 wizard spells, except they do physical damage and cannot be defended against with elemental or magic resista...
Level 1: Finally! You've got your hands on some basic spells. Level 5: Big leagues, baby! Fireballs or Mass Healing Words at your disposal. Level 9+: You're in the high arcane society now, throwing spells that can rewrite reality itself! Spellcasting: Not Just Waving a Magic Wand ...
There is no alignment, but you're identity is an outcome based on your actions rather than what you choosed in the beginning. So if you really want to play the Paladin archtype, you better behave like a saint, or you're gonna fail misserably. So Planescape:Torment is a unique ...
And, as I said previously - for someone like him - archmage and chosen - the shadow weave is the only thing that could provide him more power (assuming the shadow weave allows level 12 spells - which it may or may not) Quote Soul deals with devils come due upon death, and they ...
earn points and unlock powers. Being lawful good inDungeons and Dragonsis not about actually feeling that way. It's about the benefits that come with being a paladin. It's a pretense, like a sinner saying the Rosary ten times to stock up some forgiveness from God before going out to ...