Retooling SL to do the things needed to make a pew pew shooter, would also dramatically improve driving, flying, sailing, walking about your home, interacting with things and each other and everything else we do. It would be a night and day improvement. The point is we can only get th...
At some point, a decision was made to augment the continuing murder by police and security men with mass murder at extermination camps in occupied Poland. The precise moment of this decision is unclear, but the camps were under construction beginning in autumn 1941 and the first gassing began ...
A suit is a formal set of men's wear, versatile for various occasions, while a smoking jacket, or tuxedo, is specifically designed for evening social events.
Owning body armor isn’t for everyone, so take a moment to evaluate your own threat level (or what it could be in the future) and make a decision that is right for you. It’s not exactly cheap, but neither is your life. What Type Protection Do You Get From a Bullet Proof Vest?
But, armor is four soldiers crammed in a tank. Infantry platoons, with their attached combat engineers, medics, and forward observers, live together, in the dirt and the grime and eventually the blood and body parts. When a patrol has to set up a night defensive position, everyone digs a...
If we live at that level then things change. But if you just live as a ‘christian’ it seems that all I hear is grace and suffering. What about power and victory? No wonder the church is dying. We even have people that can’ ...
But that makes us unhappy so we have to engage in psychoanalysis, which brings about greater awareness and “returns the patient to the normal level of human misery.” Wilhelm Reich took Freud’s grim views of life one step further, arguing that sexual repression causes people to be neurotic...
Durability refers to the ability of a material to withstand wear, pressure, or damage over time, while strength measures its ability to resist force or stress without breaking.
◆You CANNOT place/wear "Body Armor" OVER the Flight Suit. ◆"Once its mission accomplished and you're out of your heroic new Flight Suit". ►The update includes gameplay changes to GTA Online: ◆This includes changes toall Contact Mission GTA$ and RP awards have been rebalanced so that...
There is something powerless about air travel, especially on an international level, where every customs officer has the power to make things difficult, enforce an unforeseen rule, end any plans on the spot. The more people and portals with which I had to interact, the more I feared an ...