Obviously, these learner types are approximating. However, by doing the quiz, students are made aware of why learning English is important to them and the 'learner type' profile helps them to better judge which activities are most important to them - and when to give themselves a break! Fini...
Your learner works hard all year to improve their literacy and expand their knowledge. With your support, you can help your child minimize the knowledge lost over summer break. Your child doesn’t need to read non-stop to see the benefits—reading just four to six books over the summer can...
You can take >what kind of learner are you quiz to know what type of a learner are you. There are five recognized learning styles in the world: The Visual (Spatial) Learning Style If you are one of those who prefers the visual style of learning, you mostly visualize every situation. ...
a卤猪手 Halogen pig's front trotters[translate] atake this quiz to find out what kind of learner you are 采取这次测验对发现什么样的学习者您是[translate]
WhatSortofEnglishLearnerAreYou? The aim of this quiz is to help you become aware of your own learning style or habits.Read the following comments and you will discover your learner type,and may get some useful advice on English learning.If your total score is between 23 and27,you are prob...
Are you a visual learner, an auditory learner, a kinesthetic learner, or a mix of styles? Take our quick, free quiz to find out!
Fallace,“scholars have developed dozens of learning style typologies since the 1960s, but the most popular version since the 1980s has been the VAK model, which suggests that every student can be classified primarily as either a visual (V), an auditory (A), or a kinesthetic (K) learner...
What kind of learner are you primarily? Visual Auditory Kinesthetic Tactile I don't got no learnin', don't NEED no learnin'! When you start a new hobby you... ... Go at it full force and then burn out after a while and move on to something new. ... Consider the amount of ti...
ReadingWhatSortofLanguageLearnerAreYou (2)Mum,Idon’twanttogoto school.Whatisthematter,myboy?Istudyhard,butIcan’tlearn Englishwell.Iloseinterestinit now.Myboy,doyouknowwhatsort oflanguagelearneryouare?Isknowingthathelpful?Pleasegiveittome,mum.Iwant toknownow.Yeah!Hereisaquizforyouto helpyoutoknowthat...
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