I living in north west of iran where we called south Azerbaijan . our language is Azerbaijani Turkish . our language is different than Turkey Turkish but they are same in root . who is sensitive on him language my mean Azerbaijani , he /she don't like called Azeri but for who don't...
Added option to not display hidden items in context menus (Tools-Options-Other) Added option to display UI with modern icons (Tools-Options-Other) Improved KUKA driver Improved JAKA driver New in RoboDK v5.6.4 (2023-09-27) Improved Mitsubishi post processor Improved speed to add shapes via t...
The aim of Bunk’Art is to persuade moreAlbanians to remember the past and delveinto it more deeply—so as not to repeat it.According to the museum’s creator, CarloBollino, an Italian media entrepreneur onfriendly terms with the presen...
Too often for some folks it is really,really hardto be thankful. And yet it can be therapeutic. Like physical therapy after a hip replacement or psycho-therapy after emotional trauma. It can be really hard to stick with it and we truly want to give up. But, don’t.Do not quit. Reme...
and Turkish. This will enable more people to have meetings in their chosen language and review the AI-generated notes and tasks later, so they can concentrate on the meeting itself rather than on taking notes. This functionality will start rolling out in May and will...
Insert turkish character problem Insert Word document file into SQL Server table INSERT...SELECT command with a timestamp column Inserting .png file as VARBINARY (no c#) Inserting a large amount of data in SQL table Inserting an Image using OPENROWSET inserting data into another table using OPENQ...
Keep your eyes on our broadcast for a chance to win some rewards! English language broadcast:https://www.twitch.tv/pubg_battlegrounds Turkish language broadcast:https://www.twitch.tv/pubg_battlegroundstr German language broadcast:https://www.twitch.tv/beingesports ...
ve felt like a bit of a stray dog at times taking the busses in Turkey with their many transfers and confusing bus stations, not knowing where to go or speaking the language. Luckily the Turkish people take care of their tourists too and I’ve been shepherded in the right direction ...
Operation “Spring of Peace”, conducted on Syrian territory by the Turkish army against the Kurdish YPG militias (part of the security forces of the NES, commonly known as Rojava), comes as a thunderstorm that wipes out the fog of hypocrisy. It clearly shows the inherent contradictions in ...
Explore places you have never been to before, and experience different ways of life.Visit the Amazon jungle village, the Turkish market, the Tai floating market, the Berber mountain house and others. Talk to the people there who will tell you about their lives, and things they make. You ...