Blood glucose test:By measuring a sugar in your blood called glucose, ablood glucose testcan see whether you may have diabetes or certain other medical conditions. Some blood glucose tests don't require you to fast, but others do. If you're asked to fast, it will usually be for at leas...
I think it sounds kind of odd, but if it helps, then why not use it? Your mom can ask her doctor if this is available in her area because not every lab has the equipment to prepare it. Byserenesurface— On Jun 11, 2012 I'm scheduled to have a blood serum test next week to c...
If you're overweight or have any risk factors for diabetes, your blood sugar probably will be checked. The American Diabetes Association recommends that all adults, beginning at age 45, should be tested for diabetes -- regardless of weight. The CDC recommends that everyone over the age of 18...
You should request a copy of your lab results from the life insurance company. All companies will send them to you for free. This is a good way to check up on your health and may even help you discover something you weren’t aware of. Just let your Case Manager know you’d like a...
If you have a glucose monitor, bring it with you to check yourblood sugarlevels before and after your test. If you think your blood sugar is low, tell the lab personnel immediately. Plan to eat and take your blood sugar medication following your test. ...
91 Views Please let me know if my cbc report is normal. I just thought of checking as I have anxiety issues. Lab report normal range 53 Views I had done this free testosterone test and the values for the normal range for men are showing too low ev ... Read More Practo...
You may also need insulin to control your blood sugar level. Radiation therapy uses x-rays or gamma rays to treat cancer. Radiation kills cancer cells and may stop the cancer from spreading. It is also used to reduce symptoms, such as pain. Chemotherapy is medicine that kills cancer cells....
A colonoscopy is a test that is done to look inside your colon. During a colonoscopy, healthcare providers may find problems in your colon. Some problems may be fixed during the colonoscopy. Samples may be taken from your colon and sent to the lab for tests. An EKG records your heart ...
What does MCHC stand for in a blood test? A similar measure to MCH is something doctors call "mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration" (MCHC). MCHC checks the average amount of hemoglobin in a group of red blood cells. Your doctor may use both measurements to help in a diagnosis of anemi...
If you have a glucose monitor, bring it with you to check yourblood sugarlevels before and after your test. If you think your blood sugar is low, tell the lab personnel immediately. Plan to eat and take your blood sugar medication following your test. ...