Favorite Noona Romance - Jisoo and Park Si Yeon Best Idol Rookie actor (member of a kpop group) - Key as Ki Bum(Drinking Solo) Best Cry - Park BoGum (coz he's a puppy he got this) Best Ahjumma - Queen Mother of the 4th prince and Stepmother of Ppal Gang in Jealousy Incarnate. ...
I found Dream High cracky youthy fun, and this song always brings back the feels, along with an involuntary urge to bop along to the music. There are so many easy-breezy tracks on this OST; it’s truly the closest I’ve felt to being an actual kpop fan, heh. Review ishere. You ...
Adamas (Ep 1 - 4) - Strong start (except for the super predictable birth secret). I like the broody tone of it where every line seems like foreshadowing. I always expect Prosecutor Bro to be killed off any minute purely off of the ominous dialogue. Big Mouth - So good to see LJS on...
Honestly speaking, its been about 4/5 years since I stopped actively following Kpop (im more of a kdrama person) so when my friend asked me to watch PD101 S2 few months ago I was like "No". Those numerous scandals I saw on my fb feeds really put me off of the show before even ...