「The kind of games I like the best are tennis, baseball, soccer, etc.」という文でなぜ「are」が使われているのかについて質問がありますね。実は、「the best」が単数形であることに関係なく、この文は複数形で述べられています。これは、後ろに続く「tennis, baseball, soccer, etc.」...
By taking this data to a new audience, I got new answers. Seems obvious, right? But it's the kind of obvious thing we overlook all the time. Mark provided insight that I've been overlooking because I'm staring so hard at the same things every day. ...
複合型プロパティと単純プロパティの両方に対する複数の更新を、ExecuteUpdate の1 回の呼び出しにまとめることができます。 次に例を示します。C# コピー await context.Customers .Where(e => e.Name == name) .ExecuteUpdateAsync( s => s.SetProperty( b => b.CustomerInfo.WorkAddress, ...
Over the years, I've had two companies of my own that I used for consulting while I was between other jobs. This prevented holes in my resume that would raise questions during interviews. I had some good customers during this time and learned a lot. ...