providing a less expensive ___61___ (solve) to one-time event dressing. The concept ___62___ (be) certainly not new—men have been renting good suits for decades—but for female shoppers, it is just taking off. This clothing-as-service model follows the broader societal...
Unless it is bad, the answer is likely to be no. But while a shop’s scent may not be outstanding compared with sights and sounds, it is certainly there. And it is providing to be an increasing powerful tool in encouraging people to purchase. A brand store has become famous for its ...
though we cannot be sure of its presence in the simpler organisms, and it is very difficult to say in general what provides evidence of it. (Some extremists have been prepared to deny it even of mammals other than man.) No doubt it occurs in countless forms totally unimaginable to us...
D. is experienced in her work. SECTION B PASSAGES In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds ...
lt's certainly possible that it will be too expensive to build reservoirs for some suburbs and communities and we could see an exodus(大批人同时离开)from the region; but that's almost suitable to change, because communities pay for the extremely inefficient processes of pumping in water from ...
Certainly. Could Britain's monstrous and mounting bill for heart disease be partly due to the highly polluting diesel cars that governments so scandalously encouraged us to drive? Quite possibly. What is certain is that air pollution is now an international scandal, and the cause of a health ...
t live in a perfect world and we certainly are not perfect people. And yet, and yet, look at how much we can accomplish by being more than just a mere speck of dust that we ever seem day by day to be returning. So, rise up and let the wind take you where it may, and as it...
In the first place, students who are given the freedom to choose what they are interested in will certainly commit themselves to their study and learn more efficiently. As an old saying goes, interest is the best teacher. What's more, t...
… It is only in exceptional circumstances we might become aware of the complexity involved: if we are searching for a word but cannot remember it; … 【解析】circumstances∧→that。本题考查it is… that…的强调句型。原文强调,只有在特殊的情况下,人们才会意识...
Beingtheyoungestoftheteam,ZhouChengyuwasbornin1996intheprovinceofGuizhou. Sheiscertainlynot“old”enoughcomparedwithhercolleagues,butsheisknownatworkas“Big Sister”asasignofrespect.Onceina3-kmrunningcontest,sheactuallybeathalfofhermale counterparts.AlthoughworkshiftsarenotuncommonattheWenchangSpacecraftLaunchSite...