This new quiz uncovers your leadership personality type. When you think of a leader, a certain type of person may come to mind. But in reality, leaders come in many different flavors. Some bosses are direct and assertive, focusing on accomplishing goals
Confucius is not only a great teacher, but also a famous thinker with wise thoughts about the world and society. His most important teachings are about kindness(仁) and good manners(礼). He said, “A person should be strict with himself, but be kind to others.” 1. Today we still ...
Again, this has nothing to do with pace of play or any other kind of judgement. I am just genuinely curious as to what players that takes longer than 20 seconds are thinking. sirchunksalot,Rob Person,Kenny Band4 others 7 Quote Driver: ...
There is no one-size-fits-all career quiz. Different tests have different goals, so finding the right one for you will depend on what you’re looking to achieve. Research-backed tests can reveal unique insights into your innate strengths, motivations, personality traits and what kinds of care...
Start Quiz What Animal Are You? If you have a Type A Personality (The Director), you are a lion. Likewise, if you’re a Type B (The Socializer), your animal self is an otter. But if you’re Type C (The Thinker), you are a beaver, and if Type D (The Supporter), you are ...
One last thought before we leave you. Differentiation means daring to be different. The “weird kid” at school. The busker that refuses to get a “real job.” The risk-taker and the out-of-the-box thinker. The out-on-a-limber. That’s a scary prospect, for some; an enticing one...
There are four main types of soul mates in total. Take our free soul mate quiz to discover your unique result!
. She was interesting and funny, though she doesn’t have a scientific background, which actually makes her more appealing to us average Joe’s, she has a good grasp of scientific knowledge and she is a logical thinker as well as an experienced journalist. I enjoyed the evening very much...
In this week’s blog interview, Erica Dhawan turns the tables and interviews me. Erica is the author ofGet Big Things Done: The Power of Connectional Intelligence, founder and CEO of Cotential, and Thinkers50 featured emerging management thinker. This week she asks me what leadership means to...
Winning the big prize on a quiz show. Defining it, however, is a bit harder. Ask anyone, even professional researchers who are supposed to know about such things (and therefore be very intelligent themselves) and you’ll get a very disparate set of views. The question of intelligence is ...