Fun fact! The name tequila comes from the city of Tequila, which was established in 1666, though tequila was produced long before the town was born. How Is Tequila Made? While grapes, wheat, or corn can be harvested a few months to a few years later before being processed and distill...
When a patron became too rowdy, the barkeep would serve them less potent, 86-proof liquor, thus 86'ing the drunken customer. Use It In A Sentence: "We ran out of tomato juice, so we've 86'd Bloody Marys for the rest of the night." 80 votes Is this useful behind the bar...
Only six states preferred to kick back their tequila in a shot. When it comes to just which kind or brand of tequila Minnesota prefers, we're one of 33 states that said Patron was our favorite kind, according to the FashionNova survey. Only 11 states surveyed said Jose Cuervo was their...
Aquavitaeisis the Latin for “water of life.” The French saidaqua vitae, which today iseau-de-vie. The Latin term becameuisge beathain Gaelic, orusquebaugh. Usquebaugh is an intermediate form of the wordwhisky. The Irish equivalent wasuiscioruisce beatha, so you can see how the modern ...