Most adults have about 32 teeth Upvote • 0 Downvote Add comment Still looking for help? Get the right answer, fast. Ask a question for free Get a free answer to a quick problem. Most questions answered within 4 hours. OR Find an Online Tutor Now Choose an expert and meet onli...
novel,SunnysidePlaza.Tocreateherworld,Simonmadeuseofhisjobatahalfwayhousewhen hewas19yearsold.Hecaredforadults with mentaldisabilities.Workingtheeveningshift,he madesuretheybrushedtheirteethandtooktheir medicinebeforebedtime. “AllmylifeI?vewantedtowriteaboutthatexperience,”saidSimon,ajournalistwhohostsWeekend...
Crooked teeth can have a variety of causes, from genetics, malnutrition and oral habits to dental disease and poor dental hygiene. Learn more, here.
很多成年人在50岁之前就掉牙了,对于这种情况,很多患者都会询问导致成年人掉牙的原因。那么,成年人易掉牙齿的原因是什么? 一、青春期和更年期内分泌异常: 其实,致使成年人牙齿脱落的原因,这是跟青春期、更年期内分泌异常有关,牙周炎的患者“下丘脑-垂体-靶腺”不同环节、不同程度的功能紊乱,说明牙周炎与内分泌关系...
We have learned to expect that trains will be punctual. After years of conditioning (习惯), most of us have developed an unshakable faith in railway timetables. Ships may be delayed by storms; flights may be cancelled because of bad weather; but trains must be on time. Only an exceptionally...
My husband is a thumb sucker and I find the habit very disgusting and unhealthy. Also, because he sucks his thumb regularly it inhibits my desire to engage in French kissing. Byanon55696— On Dec 09, 2009 Oh man, this is pretty accurate. I use my thumb as a sleep aide, but have re...
the U.S. government. Every resolution left everything unresolved. Every unmistakable evil could be dismissed as a relatively benign phenomenon. For instance, the possessed doll in “Chinga” (5×10) could easily be mistaken for a charming antique. And then… came Mr. Chuckleteeth. Obvious ...
At the turning point of my life, my mom wanted to have a conversation with me. I wanted to turn it down but when I looked at her eyes, I felt I couldn’t refuse. Instead of asking me to study hard, to my surprise, mom just asked what I wanted to do in the future. Without th...
For example, in a group project, each member may have his or her own ideas about how to accomplish the task. What we should do is to have a full discussion so that each member can express his or her ideas instead of dismiss...
More Teeth Questions What part of the tooth is being pointed by the letter B? What are teeth made of? What is the difference between Cavity and Pit? What is the Letter B pointing? What chemical is used to fill up the pulu in the teeth during a root canal? Why do we have wisdom ...