I'm not going to say that storms are good, because I know what they have stolen from people. I hear they have taken homes, cars, boats and lives. But that is not my story. My story is that a storm gave me more than I had thought to ask for.My mother and I used to be conten...
A blizzard is a kind of big snowstorm.暴风雪是大型的狂风和暴雪的集合体。But it's a special one!但又很特殊!Blizzards start in the same way that some other powerful storms start: when two big areas of air meet.暴风雪的起因与其他一些强风暴的起因相同:都是两大团空气交汇形成的。One of ...
【小题3】wind 风;根据短文第二段中There are five kinds of hurricanes, which are based on wind speeds. It helps people know how much damage(危害)a hurricane may cause because the greater the wind speed is, the more dangerous the storm is可知,共有五种飓风,不同的飓风有不同的风速。故填...
What with storms and all, their return was delayed. Obsolete.for what reason or purpose? why? interjection (used in exclamatory expressions, often followed by a question): What, no salt? conjunction Older Use.as much as; as far as: ...
when storms come when taking the escal when that old guy gav when the s over when the angle come i when the batteries in when the cats away when the cherubim mov when the click of the when the crafty hares when the doctors came when the earth calls when the feeling come when the fir...
You may already know that hurrncans are storms. They can move very, very fast, very tall, and very, very heavy. They happen during "Hurrican season," which is from June 1st to November 30th in the Atlantic Ocean and from May 15th to November 30th in the Pacific Ocean. Kinds of Hurri...
Dangling all kinds of camping gear over his raincoat, Da-Song storms through the living room and heads to the garden. He opens the glass door and jumps out into the pouring rain. He then starts building the teepee in the middle of the yard. He’s quick, efficient. A true Scout. ...
You may already know that hurricanes are storms. They can cause terrible waves (波浪), winds and rain. They happen during "hurricane season", which is from June 1st to November 30th in the Atlantic Ocean and from May 15th to November 30th in the Pacific Ocean. Kinds of hurricanes There ...
“Stormchasing”isbecomingan59.___(increase)popularhobby,especiallyintheMidwestoftheUnitedStates,60.___therearefrequentstormsbetweenMarchandJuly.AstormchaserbeginsthedaybycheckingtheInternetforthelatestweatherreports,andthendrivesupto1,000kilometerstowherethestormwillbeandwaitsforittodevelop. Althoughanyonecandoi...
Slight: This level involves scattered storms which are more severe, but also short-lived with isolated intensity. There may be 1-2 possible tornadoes, as well as strong winds and wind damage. Enhanced: A level 3, enhanced risk deals with numerous, persistent storms that include a few intense...