3.NonstandardUsed reflexively as the indirect object of a verb:You might want to get you another pair of shoes.See Note atme. [Middle English, from Old Englishēow, dative and accusative ofgē,ye, you; seeyu-inIndo-European roots.] ...
So, as due course would have it in our holiday household, it happened that one cold and snowflake filled night Dad walked in after work holding a gift wrapped package the size of a shoe box meant for very large shoes. As he handed it to my mom my dad smiled in a too broad grin. ...
But I would observe also that there are too many kids who think that the road to success looks like Rock’s, as opposed to the more attainable and reasonable goal of dentistry. Isn’t it amazing that there are a lot – a LOT – of kids out there who think that they will be celebri...
Step Into Giorgio Armani’s Stylish Shoes On a Whirlwind Trip to NYC By Kase Wickman Kids have always been interested in sex, of course; but there have never been more ways for them to express that to one another, at any moment of the day, no matter where they are. They don’t even...
I know this is very easy for me to say as a white woman who has not had to ever experience any of these atrocities or even micro aggressions firsthand. I will never be able to put myself in the shoes of someone who daily faces racism in this country. We continually say we are the...
Ah, one of my favorites... Giving a woman a compliment, then putting a backhanded twist on it. "Wow, your shoes are cute. Did you buy them new?" "Your hair is pretty. Did your mom do it for you?" "Nice car. If you're homeless." ...
The other day I was taking off my shoes and sweaty socks after a run, and I paused to look at my feet. Even being exhausted from the run, my brain harshly judged the appearance of my feet amazingly quickly. As I sat there judging my feet, I remembered that I have a friend with be...
Life is what happens when you are too busy planning for it. It was an existence. Living in the white pages of a book that I was trying to write for myself. Or so I thought. It was not bad, mind you. But on hindsight, it was the kind of numb comfort that I was in where the...
Clown Shoes: Looks who’s playing a police officer! It’s the dude who played a police officer in every episode ofThe X-Filesever. Hello, Roger Cross.24crossover like whaaaat. And it’s Jason Gray-Stanford fromMonk. Nice beard.
There are many parents and grandparents who hover over their children and grandchildren each day believing they are providing the proper message to the kids (while still missing the point) as they pick them up from school in their Range Rovers and Louboutin shoes. By no means am I judging; ...