What type of poet was William Wordsworth? What inspired "Fog" by Carl Sandburg? Summarize "What Then?" by William Butler Yeats. What type of poems did William Wordsworth write? What is The Prelude by William Wordsworth about? How did the British Romantic poet William Wordsworth describe poetry...
Explore Wordsworth's life as a founder of England's Romantic poetry movement, his early poetry, lyrical ballads, and his collection called Poems, in Two Volumes. Related to this QuestionWhat type of poems did William Wordsworth write? What type of poet was William Wordsworth? What kind of poe...
What type of poet was William Wordsworth? What is the structure of Sonnet 18? What is the structure of Sonnet 116? What is the tone of Shakespeare's sonnet 130? What kind of poem is A Character by William Wordsworth? What is the theme of Sonnet 73 by William Shakespeare?
-William Wordsworth,British poet 生活要朴素,情操要高尚。 —威廉·华兹华斯,英国诗人 Honesty is the best policy. -Aesop,ancient Greek fabulist 诚实是最好的策略。 一一伊索,古希腊寓言作家 Personality is to man what perfume is to a flower. -C.C.Schwab,American businessman 人品之于人,犹如芳香之于...
This well-loved William Wordsworth poem is written in the form of an ode. This means that it was crafted to celebrate something or was written in dedication to something. In this case, The poet is looking back on the past, remembering a time in which the natural world pleased his spirit...
There is a narrative to this piece as well. The poem tells the story of Charles Thomas Wooldridge who murdered his wife. He had been sentenced to hang, but while in prison went about his life wistfully. Thespeaker, who is generally considered to be the poet, as well as the other prison...
I have said that poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility.(William Wordsworth) I know as well as thee that I am no poet born/It is a trade, I never learnt nor indeed could learn/If I make verses—'tis in spite...
E.E. Cummings is an American poet who has an immense collection of work. His years of active work include poetry and plays; although, he is most widely known for his modernist poetry that lacks traditional form. He became interested in the modernist movement when he completed his Master of...
What do we mean by taking risks? Here’s an example of a risky sentence, from poet Eduardo C. Corral: “Moss intensifies up the tree, like applause.” This is a daring comparison: we don’t often think of moss “intensifying,” and so that verb already seems strange and risky. But ...
The speaker of this poem appears to be the same as the speaker of most of Dickinson's poems. They're not named, gendered, or otherwise identified, and can be read as something like the voice of the poet herself. (However, Dickinson once warned her friend Thomas Wentworth Higginson: "When...