Sometimes, the blade at the top is missed, but it can still function safely in Mainland China. This kind of socket is widely seen in most European countries, like Russia, Germany, Denmark, Poland, Finland, France, Sweden, and Spain, as well as South Korea. Sockets in Hong Kong, Macau ...
Spain is a wondrous mix of the old and new. To help navigate this great country, I put this packing checklist together. I also include what to wear in Spain as well as a list of items NOT to bring and other FAQs.
Power outlet typeHis unique to Israel, it has two flat prongs – similarly to plug B – however they form a V shape rather than being parallel, they also include an earth pin, in the 80’s the holes of the plugs were made round in order to accommodate type C plugs as well. Along ...
Spain uses Type C and Type F outlets, both of which have two round holes. The difference between them is that Type F also has two grounding clips. You’ll find both outlet types throughout Spain, from Barcelona to the countryside. Both can take any plug
France uses the standard European plugs. RIFD blocking wallet to prevent credit card theft This bag is great to keep your things close but stay handsfree. Or, if you want to buy a purse while in Paris, some places to check out include Polene, Le Tanneur, Longchamp, Basil, etc. Love th...
Here's a run-down of some of the world's plug sockets and fittings. Along with a converter, you can also get individual plugs. For instance, instead of using a converter to charge your iPhone, buy the country-specific plug and rotate it out. These are available through sites like Amazon...
I gapped all the spark plugs in my car, but then realized I had used the wrong manual and had made them too small. Nap A short sleep; a doze; a siesta. Gap To leave suddenly. Nap Woolly or villous surface of felt, cloth, plants, etc.; an external covering of down, of short fin...
get asked at the store all the time, and frankly, there is never one answer. As myRed Dot Forum Camera Talkcolleagues David and Josh say, “It depends!” For this year’s “In Our Bag”, I decided to keep it simple and show the gear I took on my trip to Spain this past March....
Healthy snacks, in case you wake up hungry in the middle of the night Eye mask and earplugs if you use or need these A pair of clean underwear, panty pads and hygienic towelettes or wet wipes A small toothbrush and toothpaste A comb or hairbrush ...
9,000+ feet up in the Andes, temperatures range from the mid-50s to the mid-70s every day, and the weather cycles on a daily basis between early spring (cool and rainy) to late spring (sunny and kind of hot) and possibly back again. Never super cold, never super hot. (Rainy ...