“Light therapy” boxes, which emit bright white and blue light rays,can help treatseasonal affective disorder (SAD) symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain and feelings of worthlessness. Some studiessuggestthat light therapy boxes used for about 30 minutes daily can even be as effective as antidep...
Blindness and Consciousness: New Light from the Dark What happens in our brain that enables us to make sense of what we see, hear, touch, smell or taste? How does the brain of someone who has never had any visual perception form an image of the external world? Do brains from ......
How does an electron emit a photon of light? Are all things made of dark matter and energy? What is energy made of in quantum physics? Where does the energy in fission come from? How does radiation turn into light? How do black substances absorb so much light energy?
Glowworms refer to various insect larvae and females of certain species that emit light, commonly found in caves or damp places. Fireflies are beetles known for their bioluminescent communication, seen in various outdoor spaces during twilight.
HID lights are bright, powerful, and can cover larger grow areas. They work by sending an electric current through a gas-filled tube, which produces intense light—kind of like street lamps. But they do run hot and can rack up your energy bill. ...
What does dark matter do? The two things we know for sure about dark matter (assuming it exists), is that it exerts gravity (has mass) and that it moves slowly (compared to the speed of light). How do you look for dark matter?
Scientists have identified distinct stages that your mind and body go through while you sleep. The five stages of sleep are falling asleep, light sleep, two related stages of deep sleep, and rapid eye movement, or REM, while dreaming. If these periods are abnormal, perhaps due to sleepapnea...
What colors do diamonds refract? What material reflects light best? Which color of light carries the most energy per photon? Which color of white light bends the most when it is refracted by a prism? What kind of objects absorb visible light?
That's the situation physicists face with dark matter. Dark matter does not seem to interact with the universal electromagnetic field in the slightest—that is, it does not absorb or emit light of any kind. Dark matter seems only to interact with theuniverseas we can observe it through a ...
Invisible matter that does not emit light. Dark matter's gravitational effects are essential for galaxy formation. 5 Dark Energy Integral to the universe's fate. The role of dark energy in the universe's future expansion is a major cosmological question. 6 Common Curiosities What percentage of ...