V.任务型阅读COVID-19 is a dangerous new illness. Doctors are trying to find out what causes it. They are working hard to find a treatment (治疗方法) for it.COVID-19 seems to spread when a sick person coughs or sneezes, and even breathes. People who stay in the same place with CO...
Taking a nap or having a full night's sleep don't relieve this fatigue, and just getting out of bed is difficult. Persistent fatigue is a long-COVID symptom. For example, three young adults who developed fatigue early in their COVID-19 illness still suffered from chronic fatigue syndrome ...
1 Some infected (感染的) people are known to cause illness ranging (变动) from the common cold to more serious diseases such as MERS (中东呼吸综合征) and SARS (非典). ■ 2 A novel coronavirus (新型冠状病毒) is a new kind of coronavirus that has not been found in humans. The new,...
COVID-19 Pneumonia and Antibiotics Part of the COVID-19 illness is viral lung infection (viral pneumonia). A small number of viral pneumonias can also develop a bacterial infection within the lung. The addition of the bacterial infection on top of the viral infection is called a secondary ba...
COVID-19 illness tends to be more mild in children, but anyone can develop severe illness. Babies younger than 1 year and all children with underlying conditions are at increased risk for severe illness. Even if symptoms do not develop, a baby or child can pass the virus to others.What ...
For patients hospitalized with COVID-19 pneumonia, their average intensive care unit stays are significantly longer than what’s typical for other forms of pneumonia, making it such a devastating illness for the health care system, Budinger says. “Patients with other types of pneumonia, bacterial...
The top Chinese scientist Yuan Longping, famous for his "Super Rice", died of illness at the age of 91 1. on May 22th, 2021. Yuan Longping 2. was(be) born in Beijing in 1930. For almost 60 years, he had given most of his time and energy to rice research. So far, the hybrid...
if you are sick. It is easier to get rest and stay hydrated if you are at home and caring for yourself. Going out and about makes it easier to run yourself low and extend, or worsen, your illness. Also, by staying at home, you lessen the likelihood of spreading COVID-19 to others...
Here's How to Get Your Free COVID Tests COVID-19 Symptoms to Know in 2024 When to Get the New COVID-19 Vaccine What’s Happening With the COVID-19 Summer Wave? There's a New COVID Variant, KP.3.1.1 This Is the Best Way to Avoid Long COVID...
COVID-19NEUROPATHYBilateral femoral neuropathy is rare, especially that caused by bilateral compressive iliopsoas, psoas, or iliacus muscle hematomas. We present a case of bilateral femoral neuropathy due to spontaneous psoas hematomas developed during COVID-19 critica...