I am a former miniatures hobbyist, so I have a lot of experience assembling minis (mostly plastic). For Warhammer and such, plastic glue works fine. I read that these miniatures are a resin/plastic hybrid - will plastic glue still work well on them, or should another type of glue be ...
For each layer, the laser beam traces a cross-section of the part pattern on the surface of the liquid resin. Exposure to the ultraviolet laser light cures and solidifies the pattern traced on the resin and fuses it to the layer below....
Cone, Miles R.Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry (15488578)
They are very similar in terms of how a light source directs light at the resin. Overall, SLA is the most common and widely used among printers in the vat photopolymerization family. Let’s break down the different types of photopolymerization 3D printers: SLA uses a single-point laser to...
Published on November 19, 2019 Glued Laminated Wood (Glulam) is a structural material manufactured through the union of individual wood segments. When glued with industrial adhesives (usually Melamine or Polyurethane resin adhesives), this type of wood is highly durable and moisture resistant, capable...
Cyanoacrylate is an acrylic resin that cures (forms its strongest bond) almost instantly. The only trigger it requires is the hydroxyl ions in water, which is convenient since virtually any object you might wish to glue will have at least trace amounts of water on its surface. Air also ...
SLA vs. DLP? Digital light processing (DLP) is very similar to SLA in that both build 3D objects one layer at a time. However, the key difference is that DLP uses a light projector to cure resin while SLA relies on a UV laser....
ester resins, where the resin is catalyzed with a small (1-3%) addition of a catalyst, epoxy resins usually require the addition of the curing agent at a much higher ratio of resin to hardener, often 1:1 or 2:1. Epoxy resin can be "toughened" with the addition of thermoplastic ...
These bio-bandaids can repair heart muscle damage, no glue necessary. The cross-linked structure is designed to stretch with expansion and contraction of the patient’s beating heart.Additionally, sourced from renewable soybean oil, another group based out of George Washington University developed a...
Thermal coating quality requirements: thermal coating should be evenly coated on the surface of BOPP film, with good thermal reaction performance and color brightness, and should meet environmental protection and safety requirements, such as bisphenol A content limit. ...